blog post 5

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blog title: He's Gay??

16 August, 2014

Hello Internet

So recently I figured out much more about my crush, Phil.

I'm not 100% positive... But I think he's gay? He hasn't said much about him being gay, though. He showed a lot of signs, though. We did this thing where we just talked to each other. He drew cat whiskers on my face with sharpie... I didn't regret it one bit. Then, I told him, "Tell me the first thing that comes into your head." And what I think he was gonna say was "Dan" since he stuttered with the letter "D". I almost freaked out. Then, he just said "cheese umbrellas" and that kind of made me sad. But it was funny, I have to admit. And stupid. Like him. That what makes him cute, though.

Also, I wasn't sure why we drew cat whiskers on ourselves. He looked attractive and adorable at the same time, though.

After that finished, he told me he had to go somewhere to meet his friend since his friend called him and asked if he could hang out. So, I stayed home and called my friend, Cat. I told her all about Phil and she freaked out and squealed. I could tell she was excited. She asked me everything about him and I did. I told him he drew cat whiskers on my face and he almost said my name when I asked him what the first thing that came to his mind. She told me that he might like me. I told him he was straight and she said that he could be bisexual or gay. I told her other things about him and she was positive that he's bi or gay.

She's great at advice, though. She's probably the best, actually. I asked for other advice with someone once and they laughed at me and said, "Do you really like him? Is he gay?" And so I just thought about those. That was actually throughout the week. It was with PJ. He helped me figure this out. Turns out, PJ is friends with Phil, too. Which makes it easier. He said he's gonna ask Phil about his sexuality. And he said if he hesitates to say he's straight, there's a chance he's bi or gay. Or, if he's uncomfortable to talk about it, then there's a huge chance that he's bi or gay.

Okay... I just got off the phone with PJ. He just called. He was actually with Phil. He said Phil just left his house and PJ was saying that Phil is gay. I told PJ to meet up with Phil tomorrow if possible. And now he just texted back. PJ said that he will talk to Phil tomorrow around 12 PM on who Phil likes. This is great, in fact. Because Phil is gay. Phil could like me. And if Phil likes me, we would be probably a great couple! We live in the same dorm room and we basically share the same interests. Except, we can't really show it on campus because people could hate? But again, this is college. So you don't really know what to expect.

Anyways, that's all for today. I just wanted to talk about Phil and everything because I really like him and it gets on my nerves to not know if he likes me or not. He shows a lot of signs about it, though.

Bye Internet.

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