1. a new arrival

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Have you ever wondered how Nature gets its glow?

Who gives it light and colour as the
seasons come and go?

Who helps all creatures great and small

to walk, to swim, to fly?

Who crafts such tiny details?

You might see them if you try

For it's all the work of fairies, but
they stay well out of sight

The first time that a baby laughs,

a fairy's life takes flight

(A/n): For the mood

A baby in the nursery laughs and giggles to the rattling of a toy

A dandelion just outside the window gets blown away and a seed is carried by the wind

On its journey to Neverland

It flies through the trees and is guided behind the waterfall and into the realm of pixie hollow

Fairies and sparrow man from each talent guild sat with each other excited for a new member.

Gently the seed lands on the great big tree right in the middle
And pixie dust is then sprinkled on

Wings sprout out and a fairy is born
She looks at everyone and is greated by many hellos

She says

In the corner sparks of what looks to be pixie dust form together
The queen has arrived to greet the fairy

She gently floats down

"Born of laughter, clothed in cheer, Happiness has brought you here! Welcome to Pixie Hollow!"

"How was the flight here little one?" She asked in a kind and gentle voice

"It was ok... I think"
Not remembering the journey here

"Let me see those wings"
The queen gently helped the fairy up and guided her wings.

She nods

The fairy gently lifts up from the ground twirling around

While a certain dust keeper watches in awe

The queen then moves back slightly and summons mushrooms

And one by one a fairy from each guild brings an item that represents their talent

The fairy looks around confused and nervous
"Each fairy from different talent guilds has brought something to represent them, now it is your turn to find out where you belong little one"

The fairy gulps and slowly goes up to each item
She touches the flower, the ball of light the hammer and finally the drop of water

She picks it up and it glows brightly

The queen smiles
"Come forward,  water fairies and welcome the newest member of your talent guild (y/n) "

The queen then disappears leaving pixie dust behind and the water fairies fly down excited to welcome a new face.

Pixie Hollow Adventures (Terrence x reader) Where stories live. Discover now