3. Queens review

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After Tinkerbell,clank and bobble gave their deliveries they headed back to tinkers nook .

"Ok yall im off see ya" I said to the group of girls
"Does where your going have Terrence there" Rosetta exclaimed
"Oooo" All the girls added to the comment

"Um.. Yeah. So what?! " My face going red when they caught me red handed
"you two are so cute together!!!" Fawn responded
"What? Together? were just friends guys" I waved my hands

"Yeah suree. go on, you dont wanna keep your "Friend" Waiting do you? " Silvermist smirked

I rolled my eyes flying away, i reached the pixie dust mill where Terrence works and entered.

Some familiar faces greet me as i come in

I walk up to Terrence "hey Terrence! " I greeted

"Oh hey (y/n) what are you doing here, have you came to save me from this place" He plopped his head on the counter

"Ive never seen you this tired and bored with your job before, usually youre so happy to be here" I laughed

He looks up at me with his head still on the table "well... I haven't really had much time with you, since you know weve both been busy with preparing for spring and all but.... Ya know i miss you. I-i just wanna get out of here hang out with you, hold your ha- ahem. "

"well i know the both of us had much to do but dont worry Terrence i promise ill always have time for you" I reassured him
His cheeks turned red and his face dropped

"You promise?.. " I nodded

"Say are you done for the day? Why dont we go and see the queens review" Terrence added changing the topic

"Oh yeah almost forgot about that"

I fly out with Terrence to the spring region with the other fairies

"Phew the queen isn't here yet" I say landing near the tree.
We look around the area, many fairies are fixing their items to make it presentable for the queen

"THE QUEENS HERE" Someone yelled

We all stood along the path neatly
The queen was giving a speech but i wasn't really paying attention i was too busy daydreaming about how i feel about Terrence and how swe-

"QUEEN CLARION, QUEEN CLARION" The music stops playing as they hear Tinkerbells screams we all look at her shocked confused.

"I didn't miss anything did i? " She asked unaware of everyone exchanging glances and whispering among themselves

I look at Terrence and he shrugs at me.

"Phew good"
The minister of spring tried stopping her but the queen looked at him and raised her hand signaling him to let her speak
"Its alright"

"Ive came up with some fantastic things for tinkers to use in the main land"
Everyone let out a couple of "huhs" i just lowered my head and covered my eyes too embarrassed to watch

Tinkerbell then went on to explain each things she made to the queen. Each of the inventions failing.
She then stopped Tinkerbell
"Tinkerbell sweetheart, has no one explained?

" E-explained what? "
"Tinker fairies dont go to the mainland dear"She explained softly to Tinkerbell

"What" She replied shocked, trying to hide her sadness
"Your work is here in pixie hollow"
"But i-i-i" She replied not knowing what to say
"Im sorry Tinkerbell"

"Oh ok yeah thats- no thats actually good i wouldn't be able to make it anyways so this works out good, so im just gonna... Yeah"

Me and Terrence looked at each other suprised from the whole ordeal, i felt sorta bad for her. Well i guess there's nothing i can do.

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