5. New talent

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"(Y/n) wake uppp" Ugh just as I was getting comfortable before my sleep was disturbed

"Wake up sweetie, fawn is helping Tinkerbell with animal fairy training today," Silvermist said while poking my cheek

I got out of bed "Ok ok I'm coming "

After we had some breakfast I and silver mist headed into the woods where the animal fairies are

"Good morning girls" I greet the group of girls

"Morning you two" Rosetta greeted back
"Where's Tinkerbell and fawn" Silvermist asked
"Oh they're up there," Irredessa said pointing to a nearby tree

"Ohhh I see them" Silvermist responded

"Oh wait I almost forgot, girls... " Silvermist chirped excitedly before whispering to them I already knew what she was saying so I rolled my eyes

Rosetta gasped excitedly

"Aw you two are perfect for each other" Irredessa added

I blinked at them "guys I haven't even confessed to him and there is no guarantee he likes me back"

"No guarantee?! Sweet pea he has had the biggest crush on you since the day he poured pixie dust on you" Rosetta exclaimed putting a hand on my shoulder

"Don't worry (y/n) you can do it" Irredessa smiled

At that moment the amount of pressure became a lot. I've never really seen myself as the one making the first move. I just wasn't confident.

Then suddenly a scout on duty yells "HAWKKKKK"

we look up to see of course a gigantic hawk Circling the sky

We all screamed and hid in an emergency tunnel

"Oh I hope Tinkerbell is alright" Irredessa whimpered

We all huddled into each other waiting for the coast to be clear

After a while, the hawk who was about to attack vidia, flew away thanks to the other fairies scaring it away by throwing berries at it.

Unfortunately, the berries landed on vidia as well, leaving splotches of pink and purple all over her face and clothes.

Embarrassed, vidia started to yell at Tinkerbell, who was about to help her up.
And then she flew away quickly.

The girls and I slowly fly toward Tinkerbell

"Tinkerbell... " Silvermist spoke up

"Huh I can't hold water, I can't hold light birds hate me! I'm so- so useless" She stated furiously at herself for failing yet again

She then starts to fly away
"Tink! " Fawn yells

We all looked at each other we then started to follow her so we could talk to her.

On the way, we discussed what we should do

"Guys I think she is meant to be a tinker," I suggested knowing that there is no way for her to change who she is

The girls looked at me agreeing but not knowing how to break the news to Tinkerbell

"Look I think that's her" Silvermist pointed towards a tiny distant figure

And from a distance, we watch Tinkerbell fix what looks to be a giant lost thing

We decided to not make our presence known and hide behind one of the leaves.

After she finished we came out of our hiding spot
"*Gasp* you fixed it"
We cheered

"What are you guys doing here? " Tinkerbell responded

"It might be the sparkliest thing I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of sparkly things," Irredessa remarked looking at the lost thing

"It's a really sparkly thingy... what is it? "
Silvermist asked

"I don't know I just found it" Tinkerbell replied.

"Tinkerbell don't you even realize what you're doing?! You're tinkering! " Rosetta exclaimed

"What? No-no this isn't- I was just" Tinkerbell shook her head still not wanting to accept the fact that she is a tinker fairy

"Oh creating those gadgets, figuring things out, fixing stuff like this. That's what tinkering is sweetie" Rosetta exclaimed with a big smile.

"Don't you like doing this? Isn't this what you really love?!" Irredessa smiled hoping Tinkerbell would agree

"Yeah who cares about going to the mainland anyway? " Silvermist adds hoping Tinkerbell would see that she doesn't have to change

"Well I do, remember? I wanna see where these things come from. Why are you saying this? Are you just giving up on me? " Tinkerbell responded not agreeing

"I mean aren't you gonna teach me how to be a garden fairy anymore?" We all looked down at each other knowing this is going to be hard for Tinkerbell to swallow

"Oh sweet pea I think this is your talent"
Rosetta replied
"Tink...we just want you to be happy" Silvermist responded softly

"If you want me to be happy you'll help me get to the mainland as you promised! " Tinkerbell stomped her feet and looked away from us

We all looked at each other sadly

"Please Tinkerbell just think about it," Fawn said slowly
We all flew away

I held silvermist's hand "she'll be fine sil, we tried. "

She nodded still worried about her friend.

"Well good night ladies early day tomorrow" Rosetta waved
We all said goodbye to each other

silvermist and I flew home waving goodbye

I felt so bad for Tinkerbell, sure she could be a little hot-headed and stubborn
She was still a good friend and a hard worker

I just hope she can figure things out.

The next day was our final day of preparation for spring

I woke up to the sound of chattering and mice carrying wagons filled with seeds and saplings for spring

I stretched my arms while letting out a yawn

I got out of bed and made my way to springtime square to help with any work

I saw Terrence talking with some fairy I'd never seen before, and my heart sank. Could this be the fairy he liked?

I decided to say hi after she left, so I stood there looking around watching everyone work

"hey (y/n)!!" Terrence exclaimed loudly trying to shock me

"AH," It worked.

He giggled which made my heart beat faster
I rolled my eyes I then nudged his shoulder "so was that her?" I smirked
His eyes widened "what no she's just a friend"

I raised an eyebrow "ok if you say so, anyway are you here to deliver pixie dust"

"yup, so uh (y/n) I've gotta tell you something..."
He says while rubbing the back of his neck shyly

"sure Terrence what is it?" I replied with a smile

"Well, I don't know how to say-"
Suddenly a herd of sprinting thistles came running into the square

I gasped flying away from them trying to avoid their spikes

I didn't realize it but somehow I grabbed Terrence's hand.
I hugged his arm as we looked around, the thistles knocked over all the ladybugs, and the baskets filled with seeds.

We gently flew back onto the ground and saw Tinkerbell riding cheese. Oh no she couldn't have

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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