2. a new fairy at pixie hollow

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(A/n): lol i really hope this book doesn't flop im not really good at writing so bare with me, if anyone has any suggestions for future chapters please please write them down id love to try it out. Anyways enjoy the story :)))

"Wont you give me a sec Terrence theres something i need to do"

"Sure" He answered

I fly up to silvermist who was making bubbles with the water
"Silvermist? Im finished so im gonna headout with Terrence ok? "

"Ohh sure, Terrence huh?? ;) enjoy you two" She smirked at me i just raised and eyebrow and smiled flying away with Terrence

"So where are we going anyways Terrence? " I asked curiously
"The fairy tale theater, theres a performance tonight and i wanted to see your reaction myself, the storytelling fairies and the music fairies are really good at what they do. I think you'll really love it! "

"You're really chocked up about this aren't you?" I smirked
He rubs the back of his neck letting out a small laugh "what can i say i love theatre"
Ive got to say im quite excited to see the fairies performance after all everything is so new to me and Terrence is very warm towards me so i couldn't help but smile the entire time

Just as we were flying towards the theatre a sparrow man stopped in front of us

"Hey, aren't princesses supposed to be up in their tower this late at night" The sparrowman said

"Excuse me?" I replied weirded out.

"The names rumble, storm fairy. i am the most talented storm fairy, you should see me creating my thunder" He says while flexing his biceps, i exchange looks with Terrence.

Terrence rolls his eyes "shes not interested rumble leave us alone"
Rumble scoffs "this is the guy you go for? Some dust keeper fairy, water and storms go together I mean be real dude a pretty water fairy wouldn't wanna hangout with dust keeper, isn't that right? "

I was about to say something but then he puts an arm around my shoulder and moves closer to my face, smirking

"How dare you?!?!"
"Mhm- wait wha-"
I look at him annoyed i roll my eyes at him and pushes his hands off of me

"Id rather a dust keeper fairy than you any day." I then splashed his face with some water

Terrence covers his mouth not wanting to make the situation worse by laughing his ass off.

"Cmon Terrence" I said flying away with him

"Ok that was hilarious ive never seen him that shocked ever. I think you genuinely hurt his ego"

I giggle

We found some good seats and sat next to each other
"So who was that douche anyways?" I asked Terrence

"Oh well just some arrogant storm fairy, not all of them are like that but, he especially thinks hes better than everyone else." He then looks at me his face shifting from annoyed to a bit worried

"A-are you ok by the way, sorry i shoulve asked you earlier. That was kind of out of nowhere right.. " He puts and arm on my shoulder

I smile warmly at him "im ok, that was a bit funny actually. And very satisfying, thanks for asking"

He smiles back and just as he was about to say something bells ring as the show begins.

The entrance closes, the lights gets dimmer amd the music starts playing.

After the performance ended we all gave a round of applause.

"So did you like it? " Terrence asked waiting for my reaction
"Yes i did it was amazing, thanks for taking me here Terrence"

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