4. pebbles

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(A/n): hello im back i just took a few days of because of Christmas and stuff and i just felt like writing again so here ya go enjoy.

"Just long enough to know that theres a fairy you like" I dont know why but i feel a little sad, knowing he likes someone and its probably not even me but hes my friend so i tried cheering him up

"Oh... " He looks down sighing
I then realized he probably wanted to be alone with his thoughts
"Well you probably want to be alone so ill see-"
"NO.... no its fine you dont have to leave" He exclaimed looking a little embarrassed

I sat back down and looked at him "so what makes you think they dont like you back? " I ask him softly hoping to ease him

"I- i dont know she just- well our jobs are just so different, im working on one end and shes on the other i just feel like, she doesn't see me as anything but a friend. "
He confessed frowning

"Well who is she? maybe i can find how she feels about you and you can confess to her" I offered i could feel a lump in my throat as i said so.
The thought of him liking someone else sorta broke my heart and i realized how big my tiny crush for him had became.

He paused for a second looking into my eyes " No thats ok besides i dont wanna get you involved, i mean what if you find out she doesn't and the situation would be awkward " He said as he rubbed the back of his neck

I nodded "i guess you're right, but if theres anything you need Terrance you know ill always be there" I said warmly while gently placing a hand on his shoulder

"Yeah i know" He chuckled gently

"Im sure youll work things out Terrance, how could she not like you. I mean youre sweet, caring, gentle, patient and cute. I mean thats you're literally the perfect guy" I smirked trying to raise his confidence

"You really think that about me... " He asked his eyes widen
"Of course Terrance youre so warm to everyone, and you're so geniune." I smiled at him

His face turned red even if it was dark out you could still see his face glowing and he smiled softly.

After Returning home i couldn't help but collapse on my bed. He likes someone...
Of course he does. I mean there are so many talented and attractive fairies.
I just wished it was me. But i know it isnt so who could it be

Maybe its that one garden fairy i know she likes him she flirts alot but he always looks so uninterested so i guess not her. . Or maybe that dust keeper fairy hes close with... No that cant be ever
UGHHH what am i doing whats the point.

*knock knock*

"Who is it" I responded to the knocks while still on my bed

"Its me (y/n) " Oh its sil
I got up and opened my door
"Whats up" I asked i mean its not like her to come unannounced especially this late

"I just couldn't sleep, do you mind if i stay here for the night? " She asked

I let her stay mostly because i wanted to talk to her about Terrance anyway
So i did.

"Wait you seriously dont know? " She perked up placing a hand on my shoulder
"Dont know wha-"

"Oh my god (y/n) Terrance has a crush on you! " She screams while shaking my shoulders

I grabbed her arms making her stop shaking me. "What no thats not possible"

"(Y/n) since the day you arrived he's liked you, its been so obvious i mean... dont you like him too? " She asked softly

"I do but i still dont-" I was about to say something but was cut of again

"Ababab stop i know he does. EVERYONE KNOWS HE DOES. "
Everyone? Wait seriously everyone wait so oh my god so this entire time he was talking about me?

Sil and i made a plan so that i could confess to him.

(A/n): i know its short im sorry but i promise i wont take long to update!!

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