Chapter one

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🎶 Everybody wants to be a cat,
Because a cat's the only cat who knows where it's at.
Everybody's pickin' up on that feline beat,
'Cause everything else is obsolete.
Now a square with a horn,
Can make you wish you weren't born,
Ever'time he plays; and with a square in the act,
He can set music back
To the caveman days.🎶

Max hummed softly to himself as he was putting up flyers that were advertising the hotel. He was at school as he was doing this. Since he didn't have any tape with him, he was just mainly placing the papers on tables, desks, and chairs.

As he ventured through the school corridors, Max couldn't help but notice the curious gazes and puzzled expressions of his fellow students. His shyness made him blush at the attention, but he knew that he was doing a good deed for the hotel he worked at.

"Have you heard about the exciting events at the hotel?" he would ask passersby, his voice filled with nervousness. "If you're interested, feel free to check out our special offers."

Some students accepted the flyers with gratitude, while others simply walked past, caught up in their own worlds. Max understood that not everyone would be interested, but he hoped that those who were would find joy in the hotel's offerings.

He then proceeded to make his way to the library. Max entered the library, the hushed atmosphere washing over him as he sought a moment of respite. His eyes scanned the room, taking in the sight of a group of four girls gathered together, engaged in animated conversation. Unbeknownst to Max, they were about to become an unexpected obstacle on his path.

As he walked closer, Max couldn't help but notice their cold and silent stares. A shiver ran down his spine, making him acutely aware of his nervousness. His palms began to sweat as he clutched the remaining flyers tightly, desperately hoping to go unnoticed. However, fate had different plans in store for him.

With a deep breath, Max mustered the courage to concentrate on his task at hand. He carefully maneuvered around the library, discreetly placing the remaining papers wherever he could find an available surface. The girls' piercing gazes followed his every move, making him feel increasingly self-conscious.

As Max gingerly adjusted a flyer on a nearby table, he inadvertently bumped into one of the girls—a kogal with a piercing gaze and an air of confidence. Startled, Max's hands trembled, causing the pages of a manga he had been absentmindedly carrying to slip from his grasp and scatter across the floor.

The sound of the manga hitting the ground echoed through the library, drawing attention from the girls and nearby patrons. Max's face flushed with embarrassment as he hurriedly stooped down to collect the scattered pages, his heart pounding in his chest. He could feel the judgmental eyes upon him, and he dreaded what was to come.

One of the girls couldn't resist the opportunity to mock him, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, look at this," she sneered, picking up a page from Max's manga. "Tom and Jerry? Really? What a childish and unimaginative story."

Her words stung Max like a thousand needles, but he bit his lip, refusing to let the criticism break his spirit. Gathering his composure, he met their gazes with sincerity in his eyes.

As Max found himself facing the critical judgment of the girls, a sudden interruption came in the form of a text message. One of the girls, engrossed in her conversation, glanced at her phone and excitedly shared the news with the group. Intrigued by the message, they hastily made their exit, leaving Max alone with one remaining girl.

"By the way, I don't think we've officially met. I'm Nagatoro," she said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Max blinked in surprise, momentarily taken aback by her sudden introduction. He hesitated for a moment, his shyness creeping back in, but he managed to regain his composure and extended his hand in return.

"Nice to meet you, Nagatoro." Max said to her.

Nagatoro had a different aura about her than the other girls. Her eyes were sharp and observant, but there was also a hint of something mischievous in her smile. Max tried to read her expression, wondering if she too would join in on the criticism.

"You're Max Landor, right? The guy who was putting up those flyers?" Nagatoro asked, her tone casual yet holding an air of curiosity.

Max nodded, a bit uncertain but also curious about this new acquaintance. "Yeah, that's me. Sorry about the disturbance earlier. I didn't mean to drop my manga like that."

Nagatoro chuckled, surprising Max with her reaction. "Don't worry about it. Everyone has their moments, you know? Besides, it's not every day I see someone spreading hotel flyers around the school."

Max's tension eased slightly as he realized Nagatoro wasn't taking the situation too seriously. He mustered a small smile. "Yeah, I guess it's a bit unusual, but I work there part-time, and I thought it might help promote the place."

Nagatoro leaned against a nearby bookshelf, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "So, you draw manga, huh? That's kinda cool. Tell me more about this Tom and Jerry story you're so passionate about."

As Max began to explain his manga once again, he was taken aback by Nagatoro's genuine interest. She listened intently, asking questions and even offering some playful suggestions for the story's development. Max found himself opening up to her in a way he hadn't expected, and the warmth of her attention made him feel more at ease.

As Max listened to Nagatoro's proposition to reenact the scene from his manga, a mix of excitement and apprehension filled his heart. He admired Nagatoro's boldness and martial arts skills, but his own shyness held him back from accepting the invitation to play the boy's part.

"I... I'm not sure," Max mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. "I mean, it's just... I'm not really good with physical contact."

Nagatoro's mischievous grin widened as she latched onto Max's hesitation. "Oh, come on, Senpai. It's just a reenactment. Don't tell me you're too shy for that." Her teasing tone cut through Max's defenses, causing a wave of embarrassment to wash over him.

As Nagatoro continued to taunt him, Max's eyes welled up with tears. He desperately tried to avoid making eye contact, not wanting to reveal his vulnerability to Nagatoro. However, she sensed his distress and pushed him against the wall, her playful teasing turning slightly more intense.

Nagatoro's grin widened, taking his hesitation as an opportunity to tease him further. "Oh, come on, Senpai! It's just acting. You don't have to be shy. Show some confidence! Be like the boy in your manga!"

Her words hit a nerve, and Max felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him. He didn't want to be seen as "virgin-looking" or lacking confidence. His eyes began to well up with tears, and he quickly looked away, trying to hide his vulnerability.

But Nagatoro wasn't ready to back down. She moved closer, pressing his back against the wall in a playful yet assertive manner. "Aw, don't cry now, flat character. It was just a joke. Can't handle a little teasing?"

Max tried to compose himself, wiping away the tears before Nagatoro could notice. He felt like he was suffocating under her teasing, unable to respond or defend himself properly.

Just as the situation was about to escalate further, another girl intervened, her voice filled with authority. "Hey! Leave him alone!"

Nagatoro, taken aback by the interruption, reluctantly released Max and backed away. Max glanced up through his teary eyes, his vision blurred, and saw a girl with a gentle expression standing protectively by his side.

Nagatoro's mischievous demeanor faded, and she stepped back, a smirk still playing on her lips. "Alright, alright, I was just having some fun. See you around, Senpai."

As Nagatoro left, Max took a deep breath, grateful for the intervention. He turned to face the other girl who had come to his rescue, her presence calming his nerves.

Don't toy with a dress-up darling. (Harem x shy oc)Where stories live. Discover now