455: The One With The Depression Room

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I walk into Cheryl's bedroom. I pick up some of the clothes and put them in the laundry basket. I take a deep breath and I look at Cheryl who's sleeping. I go over to the bed, grab her trash can next to her bed, throw the trash on her bed and the floor away. I close her laptop and put it on her desk. Grab the glasses and bowls off her nightstand and go downstairs and put them in the sink. I walk back upstairs and clean the rest of Cheryl's room. A few minutes later she slowly wakes up. "Cher, you need help." I tell her walking over to her. She doesn't say anything she just rolls over. "Cher? Can you take a shower?" I ask her. "Bath?" She asks quietly. I nod.

I finish changing the sheets on the bed and I go into the bathroom where Cheryl is sitting in the bathtub. I take a deep breath as I sit down on the edge of the tub, grab the loofah and soap and start washing her. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "It's ok." I tell her. "Have you been taking your meds?" I ask her. "Why is that always your first question?" She ask quietly. "Because! If you're taking them and you're like this, something is wrong!" I say quietly. "Are you?" I ask her. "Not everyday but most." She tells me. I nod. "How about I stay here for a few days and make sure you take them and see how you do?" I suggest. She looks at me. "You'd do that?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Why?" She ask quietly. "Because that's what you do for someone you love!" I tell her. "Why do you love me?" She asks me. "Because you're the sweetest person I've ever met. And you're passionate about things you love, and you always want learn about stuff that you don't know about." I tell her. She looks at me. "That all?" She ask quietly. "We'd be here all week." I say quietly. She looks at me. "That's ok." I smile. "Well, you're the prettiest woman I've ever met! You're smart, you make me laugh, also, you love having your picture taken and I love taking them!" I tell her. She smiles a little.

I look at Cheryl. "Feeling better?" I ask her. She nods. "Can we go for a little drive or something to get you out of the house for a bit?" I ask her. "Where?" She ask quietly. "Sweetwater?" I suggest. She thinks for a second. "Can we get some Pop's?" She ask quietly. "Do you want to bring it to the river and eat there?" She nods. "Like we did ditching school." She says smiling a little bit. "Yeah! We can."

I drink my milkshake and look at Cheryl. "Thank you." She whispers. "I know this isn't gonna make you not have depression but it's just something." I tell her. "This is why I love you." She tells me. "You always know how help me, it's not always the solution but it helps at least enough to get me out of bed and clean." She says quietly. "I'm still don't know why you do this for me." She says quietly. "If I didn't love you and I didn't want to help you I would have left you by now, but I still love you and part of that is making sure you're ok." I tell her. "You didn't sign up for this though." She says quietly. "How many different ways can I tell you that I would literally do anything for you?" I ask her. "Um... how many different ways can you think of?" She ask quietly. "Depends on how long my mouth can keep going before I'm slurring my words together because I've been talking to much." I tell her. She smiles a little. I smile at her smiling.

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