474: The One Where Toni Goes Ballistic 

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"Talk to my son and tell him something that's gonna alter the rest of his life without me again, I dare you!" I say storming into my son Jason's guidance counselor's offices with Jason, not knocking or anything. She looks up at me. "You told him that he was going to have to transfer to a new school without me or my wife present or at least without telling either of us first?" I ask yelling. "What?" She ask confused. "You told my son has 3 days to transfer out of this school because we moved? Really? First of all, this is a choice school district so we filled out the application to stay here! If you say something about him needing to have a spot, he already has it, he's here! Second of all, why did you tell him and not call me first? You told my son that he had to leave all of his friends, his school and his classes without even notifying me or my wife! What the hell is wrong with you? How to you still have a job? You've fucked my son over more times than I can count!" I explain ripping her a new one. "So! You are going to apologize for literally traumatizing him and then you're gonna write a resignation letter to your boss and go work at McDonald's or somewhere sad and depressing for the rest of your life!" I tell her. "Oh and I want a hand written apology on my desk by this afternoon!" I add. "You can't do this!" She says standing up. "I am the super intendant!" I tell her. "I decide if you have a job or not." Her eyes widen. "So, you can resign or I can have you fired in one phone call." I tell her. She nods. "I'll put in my two weeks." I shake my head. "No you're out of here by tomorrow morning." I say quietly. "Now apologies to my son!" I tell her. I look at the guidance counselor as she apologizes to Jason. After a few minutes of her apologizing, Jason and I walk out. We walk to the car and Jason looks at me. "You ok?" I ask him. "You scare me." He says quietly. "I'm sorry." I tell him. "No! It's good because I also know you have my back." He tells me. I smile a little. "Thanks bud." I whisper. "Mom doesn't need to know what I just did, so if you could just neglect to tell her about this that would be great!" I tell him. "Well, how would that explain my guidance counselor leaving out of nowhere?" He asks me. "You had nothing to do with it and it was just a coincidence that she left after our little talk." I tell him. "So you did talk?" I take a deep breath. "Ok! This is what you're gonna tell mom if she asks, you're gonna tell her that, your guidance counselor, you and I all had a conversation in her office, but it was civilized and I didn't threaten to fire her, also the reason she left has nothing to do with anything that just happened in there." He looks at me. "But that would be lying." He says quietly. I sigh. "Jason! Your mom will actually kill me if she finds out what happened in there!" He nods. "Right! Somehow she's more scary than you." I nod. "Get in! I'm hungry we're going to Pop's." I tell him.

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