Part 4

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Nandini calls Abhimanyu again and explains all the situation.

Abhimanyu :- don't need to scared to Nandu, I will go there with you.
Nandini :- ok then see u tomorrow.

Next day

Abhimanyu and Nandini go to Malhotra's industry.

Receptionist :- how may I help you? Nandini :- we both want to meet Manik Malhotra

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Receptionist :- how may I help you?
Nandini :- we both want to meet Manik Malhotra.
Receptionist :- do u have an appointment?
Abhimanyu :- no.
Receptionist :- I am really sorry sir but u can't meet sir without an appointment.
Nandini :- ok then we should leave.

Then Receptionist receives a call.
Receptionist :- excuse me, you can meet sir after ten minute, he's in a meeting right now, u please wait here.
Nandini :- what's going on?
Abhimanyu :- no idea. Let's wait.

After ten minutes.
Receptionist gets a call again :- ji sir.
Receptionist :- Abhimanyu and Nandini, both of you are being invited inside.
Nandini :- I want to know why we are being called here?
Receptionist :- sorry madam, I don't know only the boss will tell u this, u can go inside.

CEO Manik Malhotra is watching everything from CCTV.

Manager :- hello, I am Nitin Mehra :- manager of Malhotra's industry.

Abhimanyu :- hello. I want to know why have we both been called here?
Manager :- I want to tell u that many seats are vacant in our company, you both can apply here for job.
Abhimanyu :- but u people refused to give job to Nandini.
Manager :- We did this because she was giving interview here for the wrong seat, she had no idea about the details of the job. You can ask her if I am lying.
Abhimanyu :- sorry but we don't want to work here and no need to call our house.

Manager :- I want to tell you that from Nandini's previous interview we have come to know that she can work here as an employee. We are not offering any big post for her but we are recommending a small and suitable post.
Abhimanyu :- you can't force her. We've already told you that we don't want to work here.
Manager :- okay you can leave.
Abhimanyu :- let's go Nandu.
Manager :- excuse me, if u want to go Abhimanyu u can go but Nandini can't go anywhere.
Abhimanyu :- why?

Manager :- Nandini's mother has accepted this offer, we have also given her three months advance payment, she signed a contract with us.
Nandini :- what, what are u saying. But she didn't tell me anything. How can she do this to me. She didn't even think it necessary to tell me anything.
Abhimanyu to Nandini :- u should ask her once.
Nandini :- excuse me, I want to talk to my mom.
Manager :- sure.
He left

Nandini calls Meena

Meena :- hello Nandini, I know u called me to thank you. But there's no need to thank me, I know you couldn't find a job by ur self so I made it easy for you.
Nandini :- how could you do this without my permission and why u didn't even tell me.
Meena :- I want to give you a surprise.

Nandini cut the call.
Abhimanyu :- what happened?
Nandini :- all this is done by mom.
Abhimanyu :- what.

After five minutes.
Abhimanyu to manager :- I want to work here.
Manager :- ok u have to go through the interview process.
Abhimanyu :- but u didn't even interview Nandini, why mine?
Manager :- we already guessed her abilities from the previous interview.
Nandini :- but u didn't ask me proper question and answer.
Manager :- we can judge the capabilities of the candidates by looking at them. But u have to go through interview.

Abhimanyu :- ok I am ready.
Manager :- please go upstairs there's a room for interview.
Abhimanyu :- but Nandini..
Manager :- don't worry sir, she's safe here.
Nandini :- Abhimanyu what are u doing, let's go home.
Abhimanyu :- no, I want to work here with you.
Nandini :- don't be foolish, why u want to trap ur self here.
Abhimanyu :- see u later. Don't worry.

He goes for an interview.
Nandini :- how much time Abhimanyu will take?
Manager :- ten minutes only. Btw I want to discuss something with you.
Nandini :- yes.
Manager :- we have some rule and regulations at work it's necessary for every employee to follow them.
Nandini :- ok.
Manager :- then unblock company number. You can wait for Abhimanyu in waiting area. I have to go.

Nandini unblocks company's number.

Manager :- sir, everything is going according to plan.
Manik Malhotra :- hm good. But I want to make some changes in the plan.
Manager :- ok sir
Manik Malhotra :- Keep one thing in mind that Abhimanyu Thakkar should not get this job and Nandini Murthy should join from tomorrow.
Manager :- don't worry sir.


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