Part 5

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Employee :- I am sorry Mr. Abhimanyu Thakkar but u r failed to get this job.
Abhimanyu :- but why?
Employee :- ur answers are not enough to satisfied us. Try ur luck next time, you may leave.

Abhimanyu goes out to see Nandini.
Abhimanyu :- they rejected me.
Nandini :- what shitt.
Abhimanyu :- I am very sure they are plotting something against u.
Nandini :- don't worry. Let's go home.

Nandini to Meena :- I always knew that you are greedy, but you will go to this extent for money, I never thought.
Meena :- there's no need to argue with me. I am ur mother.
Nandini :- u never considered me as ur daughter.
Meena :- money is needed to live life, not emotions fool girl.
Nandini :- I have to be humiliated everyday in front of that Manik Malhotra just because of you.
Meena :- there is no need to talk too much in front of me. I cooked dinner for you because u got a job but u can't see me happy. Go to ur room from here.

Nandini went to her room crying.

Next day Nandini Murthy goes to office. Nandini is looking very cute in office uniform.

Abhimanyu comes to drop Nandini to office.
Abhimanyu :- r u ready?
Nandini :- hm but little tensed.
Abhimanyu :- don't worry. Smile please as u know I can't see my friend upset.

Nandini smiles

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Nandini smiles.
Abhimanyu :- all the best.

Nandini to Manager Nitin Mehra :- good morning sir.
Manager Nitin Mehra :- oh welcome Miss Nandini Murthy. Come with me, I'll show u ur place.
Nandini :- ji sir.

Nitin takes her to the room where many employees were working.

Nitin Mehra :- this is ur place. Let me explain ur work. You have to create the details of the cafeteria of all the staff members in this computer.
Nandini :- okay sir.
Nitin Mehra :- You complete this task, I will come in a while.
Nandini :- ji sir.

Manik was watching all the activities of Nandini through the cctv camera.
Manik :- haha she's looking confusing,
This means she doesn't know all this, great chance for me.

Nitin left from there.
Nandini to herself :- I don't how to create file, I should ask to other workers.
Manik comes there.
Manik:- pay attention here, It is forbidden to talk to each other while working in the office. If anyone wants to ask something, ask me directly but don't talk to each other.

After ten minutes.
Nandini goes to Manik's room :- excuse me sir,May I come in?
Manik :- hmmm
Nandini :- do I have to write the cafeteria details with structure?
Manik :- haven't u started writing details yet? Seriously, After ten minutes you thought of the task, I want to know what you were doing for ten minutes?
Nandini :- actually actu...
Manik in anger :- go ahead, I don't have time to waste. My time is very precious. Speak up now what u want to say.
Nandini :- I am newcomer, I don't have proper knowledge about it.
Manik :- oh newcomer, but u know very well how to insult ur boss.
Nandini :- sorry for that.
Manik :- for what?
Nandini :- I shouldn't have done that.
Manik :- u thought of apologizing very quickly. Then Manik receives a call.
Manik calls Nitin Mehra.

Nitin :- u r calling me sir?
Manik :- hm. Tell her how to write data, task and structure.
Nitin :- ji sir. Nandini please come with me. Nitin tells her the way to write task properly.

Nitin was feeling bad after seeing Nandini's teary eyes.
During lunch break Manik comes to Nandini.

Manik :- I hope now u understand how to work?
Nandini :- hmm
Manik :- u should know how to talk to ur boss, you always have to answer yes or No. Got it.
Nandini :- hmm yes sir.
Manik :- Why are u sitting here, it's lunch time go and have ur lunch.
Nandini :- I forgot to bring lunchbox.
Manik :- ok then y r u sitting idle, don't u think u should improve ur task?
Nandini :- sorry sir.
Manik :- after all, how many times and for what mistakes will u apologize.
He left.
Nandini to herself :- ooohhh why I stuck here. All this is a fault of that Abhimanyu, all this happened because of his idea 💡....
Neither do I misbehave with Manik nor do I get stuck here.
Manik comes after having lunch.
Manik :- I do not hire workers here to timepass, I am very strict about my work.
Nandini :- yes sir.
Nandini in her mind :- it's not easy here to work here with this person.
Manik :- You can't go home until you complete five tasks.
Nandini :- but sir..
Manik :- there's no need for u to speak until I am done.
Nandini :- yes sir.
Manik fills a glass of water and spilled it on the floor deliberately.

Manik :- don't forget to clean this.

Manik went to the cabin and started smiling at Nandini from the camera.

Manik went to the cabin and started smiling at Nandini from the camera

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Manik :- what do u think I will forgive u so easily, no. U have to pay me every day even every second miss Nandini Murthy.


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