Who's this?

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Chanwoo' POV-

I wake up to a bright light shinning into my face. "Mm" a muffled sound comes out of my mouth as I rub my eyes waking up. My head feels like shit. I can see MD walk into the room as I fall back onto the pillow. "Did the light wake you? I'm sorry, let me close the curtains, sweetie" as he was about to get up, I tug on his arm. "Stay, please?" I mutter still not fully conscious. "I'd love to sweetie, but I have food cooking. We don't want it to burn, do we?" MD said, calmly kissing my forehead, closing the curtains and then going back into the kitchen. I rub my eyes one last time signifying that I'm gaining consciousness. I grab my phone and go through social media. (💭likes, comments, same thing- who's this?) I click on the profile of this mysterious user. There wasn't any posts, there profile was blank... but what scared me the most was the bio. It read, 'Oh Chanwoo, I know where you are, come back to me. I miss you.' I couldn't tell if this was my father or one of my crazy ex'. I turn my phone off and try to fall asleep. (💭who was that? What do they want from me? Are they trolling me? Is this real or fake? WHY CANT I STOP THINKING ABOUT THIS!?) I sit up and throw the TV remote at the wall in frustration. MD ran into the room "Chanwoo!? Are you okay? I heard a loud noise, what's wrong?" MD worried. "Its nothing... sorry for throwing the TV remote. I'll pay for it." "Obviously it's not 'nothing' if you got this frustrated, talk to me, please?" MD asked trying to calm down Chanwoo. "There's this person on insta who's bio says that they miss me and know where I am. The worst part is that I don't know who it is, it could be my Father or one of my ex'. I'm scared MD." "Don't worry darling, I'll protect you.." He says as he pulls me in for a warm hug and rubs my back softly. 

A few hours later

"Hey MD, do you want to go to the store for a bit? I want to see if we could give this place a bit of good energy?" I jump of from the couch and put my arms around him. "Pleaseeee?" wrapping my arms around his muscular, yet gentle body. "How can I ever say no to you? Of course we can go, just give me a minute to clean up in here." He says kissing my cheek. After a few minutes he grabs a coat and we head out to his car. I open the door to breathe in the sweet smell of Evergreen car freshener.  Once we got to the store I run into the place with a big smile. I've always enjoyed shopping and home decor. "Hey don't run, you might get hurt-" MD shouts a little, sprinting towards me. "C'mon lets look at the lights!" I yell from a distance. MD laughs  while catching up with me. A little bit of time passes and there it is. A cart full of things that are colorful and bright. "Hey I've been thinking lately, do you want to live with me?" MD asked. "Wait for real? I'd love to!" I jump up and hug MD letting go of the cart and accidentally making it roll away. "AH! The cart!" I yell going after it. The cart bumps into a man. "Be careful next time Gummy Bear." He smirks and  walks away slowly, disappearing into the isles. (💭 WHAT THE HELL!? GUMMY BEAR? NOBODY has called me that but..) "Oh shit.." "What, what happened? Are you okay?" "H-he, called me that name.." "Whatever is going on were leaving right now, lets pay for our things and go home darling. We can talk about this in the car- or at home. We don't even have to talk about it if it makes you this uncomfortable." MD hugs me and kisses my forehead. "..yea.." After a awkward car drive home we pulled up to the condo and when we went inside there was a few minutes of silence and pacing around the room. "Hey so about earlier.." I mumble "I-I. That was- He is... He is my dad.." The room gets blurry and I start crying. "Hey.." MD gets up at hugs me tightly. "..Its going to be okay, I won't let him touch you ever again." He holds me in comfort. "Thank you for everything.. I really mean it, I love you so much and I never want this to change.." "I love you too darling.."

A/N: I just want to deeply apologize for not posting in a long time. I told you that  I would take a few Fridays off and I lied. Im so sorry for doing that things with school have been a little hard, and im not really doing well with my mental health. So Im going to be changing my posting schedule from now on. I will try to make it every week and if that doesn't happen then just know somethings probably going on in my life and i need a break. I might post on Fridays or Tuesdays. Idk they will be most likely be random. So again, I apologize for not posting please forgive me loves. <3

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