Chapter 5: Situation

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Emmet sat in the chair he found in this strange office, waiting for his father to come out of whatever meeting he was in with who seemed to be their "King". Emmet started to get worried, for some reason, that he had done something wrong, and was in serious trouble. At the same time, he also missed Lucy. Even though they had only been apart for less than an hour, he missed holding her hand, giving her a warm hug, a gentle kiss, and just generally being with her. Emmet was really happy that Lucy wanted to come on this adventure with him. Ever since the events of the Kragle incident, and the near destruction brought upon by Armomageddon, the two somehow continued to grow even closer together.

They never wanted to leave each other's sides unless they knew for sure that the other would be absolutely, completely, and unconditionally safe. There was no doubt Emmet and Lucy were perfect for each other. The romantic love they had for each other was unparalleled compared to anything that anyone had seen. He just couldn't wait to see her again after this meeting was over, seeing her and her unique, flowing, gorgeous hair. When it comes to everyone else, Lucy was beautiful, but for Emmet, she was somewhere between an Angel and a Goddess coming down from Heaven to bless him with her presence.


Lucy, back at the Presidential Palace, was sitting down in a field, thinking the exact same thoughts as Emmet. Every time she thought about him, and his loving smile, her heart was given a little jolt of excitement. Who knew for being a punk Rebel, she felt like a princess waiting for her knight to come save her? Well, she only had those feelings when being around or thinking of Emmet. She just couldn't get that man out of her head, in a good way at least. The way he held her, kissed her, made her feel like she Queen of the Universe or just telling her how happy she makes him, she was left starving for him.

She couldn't wait until he got back, to then they would have each other. That's all she needed. There was something about Emmet's innocent and child-like nature that was just so attractive. She didn't need a tough or manly guy to be a partner. Emmet was sweet, caring, selfless, and loving to Lucy, treating her like the perfect woman he thought she was. When she first met him and found out he was regular, she didn't like anything about him, but as time went on, she realized he made her feel actual happiness. Emmet brought so much light and joy to her life. Even after all these years of fun and adventure, she would give all that up just to tell Emmet how much she loves him.

As Lucy was still thinking of what she and Emmet could do together when he got back, she suddenly heard people talking down the hall. She decided to follow behind and listen. Maybe that could help her figure out if something really was going on.


"Mr. Brickowsi?" The foreman spoke, walking up to Emmet. "You have been asked to come inside his Majesty's office. Your father would like to speak to you.

"Oh, ok. Cool!" Emmet stood up, trying to tell his nervous stomach to behave itself. He then walked into the Office, seeing Venizelos, a few officials, and another, older seeming man talking to Venizelos.

"Aw Emmet, I would like you to meet my friend and fellow Government member. Ioannis Metaxas: Prime-Minister of the Hellenic Kingdom, and Second only to King Georgios himself."

Emmet suddenly decided to stand at some form of attention, trying to speak to the Prime-Minister. "It's very nice to meet you sir. I hope you're having an awesome day." He said, although by some stares from the other officials, he thought he had messed up.

Metaxas then walked forward to Emmet with a smile on his face, then extending his hand to friendly shake Emmet's. "And a please to meet you, Emmet..." Metaxas than tried to give an impressive stance. "I am actually your Godfather... Did you know that?"

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