Chapter 9: Planning

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Prime-Minister Metaxas, Venizelos, and Emmet were moving towards the King's office at the top of the National People's Hall, preparing for Metaxas to broadcast to the entire Universe, explaining the death of King Georgios and the Crown Prince Pavlos.

Emmet and Venizelos were supposed to stay behind the camera, in case Metaxas were unable to carry on with the entire speech. Emmet was excited to see his Godfather make a speech to everyone across the stars, and how he could make everything awesome again.

Venizelos looked to Emmet, seeing him in an overwhelmed state. "Is everything alright, Emmet?"

"Oh, yeah Dad. I'm just excited about this whole speech he's about to give. I wonder what he's gonna say."

"Yes, well, he does have the speech he written down as a back up, but I am also curious. But, I'm especially concerned on how our Allies in the Democratic Pact, or the Axis, will react."

Emmet did think he had a point. They did mention how they would declare war against those Axis guys for killing the King and Prince, but no one was sure what would happen after that. He tried to shrug it off.

Metaxas then got into his seat, the camera pointing towards him, and the man running the camera speaking.

"Camera's rolling... We go live in 5. 4... Ladies and Gentlemen, the new Leader of the Hellenic Kingdom."

The light on the camera flashed Red, signaling Metaxas to speak.

"To the people's of the Kingdom, the Democratic Pact, the Axis Powers, and beyond. As new Leader of the Hellenes and territories, I am here to inform you, of a dramatic tragedy..."

Meanwhile, there were slides of many people watching the speech across the Universe, such as Lucy with Colonel Zervas, the People of Syspocalypstar, the leaders of the Democratic Pact, and leaders of the Axis Powers.

"Our Beloved King, Georgios II, and Crown Prince, Pavlos I, have passed away... The time to mourn for the two extraordinary men, following the celebration of both of their lives, shall occur, in the coming days."

"It was originally believed that the death of the King and Crown Prince were perpetrated by natural causes. However, following a very important investigation by the most capable doctors on this side of the Universe, we have discovered that the blood of the two Royals, were tainted with extremely rare poisonings."

"People of the Kingdom, and beyond. It is our new understanding, after the investigation, that our Beloved King, Georgios II, and Crown Prince Pavlos I, were assassinated."

Venizelos and Emmet were stunned, in disbelief of what Metaxas was saying. This seemed to be going all wrong. He continued to speak.

"After a second investigation, it was found out our Rivals, the Axis Powers... were the ones responsible behind this assassination... Be rest assured, that justice for this act shall be swift, and unprecedented."

"This crime against Liberty, can be expected as nothing else except, an act, of war..."

The camera light turned off, showing the broadcast was over. The entire Universe has been left shocked, worried, even terrified of what was coming. This almost certainly meant this broadcast was a nice way of saying 'Nuclear War coming!'.


Lucy couldn't believe this guy. Emmet's Godfather, who seemed like a nice enough person, was behind the deaths of these people's two Leaders, takes all power, and has the guts to start what could be the most destructive war in history? In one hit, her fist cracked an entire wall to pieces.

Zervas noticed this, and tried to calm her down. "Miss Lucy, it'll be ok."

"No, it won't! He basically betrayed all his friends! and your people! and Emmet! And... and... Oh no... Emmet. We need to go find him!"

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