Lost in a Sea of Emotions...

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Why do I keep doing this to myself? I keep putting myself in these situations with my heart. Why must my heart ache for affection? No one will ever understand me ever,not even my friends. People let me down all the time , I stopped caring for people, they leave me alone all the time. I'm so used to it now. I hate people, its like having a heart, fuck feelings, I'm tired of being the only one hurt. Friends hurt me, family hurts me, everyone hurts me. </3 Broken hearts are unfixable, never will I ever love. Nobody even loves me, fuck trying, I'm tired of trying , tired of crying. Time for me to never ever love. Love is the most painful thing ever. Its like having your ribs broken, nobody can see it, but inside you're in pain. This is my declaration to never ever love anyone EVER. I'm placing my heart under lock and key. Locked in a vault, thrown into the deepest part of the ocean, never to be opened again. I don't care who says that they'll be there for me, it's a fucking lie. Everyone leaves me, so I'm gonna carry on with my life. Just go on and be successful with my life and move to California. Me,myself, and that's all I got all i fucking need. Lost , that's what the fuck I am, and all I'll ever fucking be, lost... I'm lost and I don't even wanna be found, EVER. Goodbye Graceful.....

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