Let's get weird....

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These are questions I got from a tumblr post, I wrote them down in my secret notebook. If you want you guys can ask me some weird questions in my comments. I'll answer them honestly, I'm an open person. :)

1.) When was your last kiss?

unfortunately two months ago

2.) When was your last phone call?

11:42 am, nobody really calls me I'm kinda lame..

3.) When was your last text message?

6:49 pm basically almost an hour ago.

4.) What was the last song you listened to?

Sam Smith -Leave Your lover

5.) When was the last time you cried?

Truthfully last Saturday, I have two new God-Sons :) Dahvie& Skylar

6.) Have you ever dated someone twice?

Hell NO!

7.) Have you ever been cheated on?

unfortunately ...

8.) Have you ever kissed someone and regretted it?

Yes I have.

9.) Have you lost anyone special

*sniffles* yes....

10.) Have you ever been depressed?

Still am

11.) Have you ever been drunk and threw up?


This year have you;

12.) had sex?

yes, two long, agonizing months ago......

13.) How many people have you had sex with (this year)

Only one

14.)Made a new friend?

Yes, my new friends are Chris, Caleb, and Nu ^_^

15.) Laughed until you cried?

all the time with my friends

16.) Met someone who changed you?

Nope, I'm still the same crazy person

17.) Found out who your real friends are.

Been found that out after graduation

18.) What did you do for your last birthday?

I went out with my friends to dinner.

19.) What time did you wake up today?

5 am

20.) Name something you cannot wait for

Vans Warped Tour! Can't wait to see all my favorite bands!!!!!!!!! This is my first time going!!!

21.) Last time you saw all your siblings at the same time...

Well I saw my older sister like last week, and my dad's other kids (my half sisters) I haven't seen them in years.

22.) What is one thing you wish to change about your life?

I wish I could eat healthier but you know food is life!!!!

23.) When was the last time you had sex.?

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