October 10th

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"He's coming out!" A brown haired woman exclaimed as the red haired woman in front of her screamed.

"Just push, Kushina!" A blonde man yelled

"Focus on keeping the Kyuubi in the seal, Namikaze." The brown haired woman said coldly, as if for some reason she hates him.

"Hai, Biwako-san." Was all she got in return, which only seemed to anger her more.

However, soon after, the baby came out. A healthy baby boy with Minato's blonde hair and his blue eyes, however, many of his facial features were from his mother.

"Good job, Kushina! What will you name him?" Biwako asked

"Naruto. Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto." Minato answered, due to the fact that Kushina was still recovering her breath from all the screaming.

"Uzumaki Naruto will surely grow up to be a splendid shinobi." Biwako said with a smile.

Biwako then turned back to Minato, about to speak, but was stopped when it seemed to her that Minato threw a kunai directly at her head. However, the kunai went past her head and interjected a kunai that was actually en route to her head.

"Take Kushina to a safe place, someone's here and they're probably after the Kyuubi." Minato said with a serious tone.

As if on cue, a man with spiky, black hair, an orange mask with black stripes and a long black cloak appeared, holding the newborn child with a kunai at it's neck.

"Hand over the Kyuubi." The man said with a deep voice that sent shivers down everyone's spines.

Minato appeared next to the man in a flash of yellow, causing the man to toss Naruto into the air. As Minato went to catch Naruto, he noticed an explosive tag on the blanket around Naruto. Minato grabbed the newborn out of the blanket and tossed the blanket towards the man, resulting in a small explosion. However, the man was unharmed, as if the explosion didn't even touch him.

Minato didn't dwell on it, he disappeared in a flash of yellow, and reappeared at his home. He sat Naruto down in a crib and put on his Hokage cloak, before teleporting back to the place where Naruto was born, finding Kushina lying there, drained of energy. Minato's poker face almost cracked, but he held his feelings of concern back, grabbed Kushina, and teleported her next to Naruto. He then went to face the man.


*7 years, 11 months and 29 days later.*

(AN: Everything else that night where the Kyuubi attacked was the same, except a certain man didn't lose his wife.)

Naruto walked around the village, sad and lonely. Hiruzen's wife survived, but was clearly against the idea of Naruto living in the village. She didn't allow Hiruzen to visit or communicate with Naruto often, so Naruto has been living on the streets of Konoha ever since he was kicked out of the orphanage at 4. Biwako had said it herself, if Naruto bore more of a resemblance to Kushina, she would have allowed it, but she cannot have another Minato running around.

Naruto's clothes were tattered and obviously too small for him. As Naruto lived on nothing but instincts, he was taller. He stood at 4'6, and had a lean, muscular build with insanely toned muscles, especially for a 7 year old. However, his build didn't save him from what was about to happen to him.

He was strong and definitely fast. He was easily chunin level in speed, and most chunin could only dream of being as  physically strong as him. No one knew how, but Naruto had managed to evade their beatings for the last 2 years. But this time, they had a secret weapon. A anbu had just come back to Konoha after a mission that lasted 6 years, and was informed that his younger sister, who was injured during the Kyuubi attack, had not made it.

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