First Mission

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Naruto left his home in a burst of speed, that made it appear as if he teleported. But living in a ninja village, most were used to that. However, as Naruto made his way to the academy, he was interrupted by a Anbu member.

"What?" Naruto asked, causing the Anbu to actually show himself

"Hokage-sama wishes to see you." 

Naruto doesn't know how, but he could sense the disdain in the man's voice, even if his voice sounded impassive. Naruto shrugged it off, and began to fly to the Hokage Tower. He was in no rush, as he definitely knew why the Hokage wanted to see him.


"Naruto, you're here." Hiruzen said with a warm smile

"You called, jiji?" 

"Well, yes. There are a few things I'd like to talk about." Hiruzen sighed, before continuing. "Firstly, your recent change in appearance. I was aware of your muscular build before, but now your muscles are even more toned, which shouldn't be possible. On top of that, you have two brown horns that can only be described as bunny ears, and your hair and eyes have changed color. I've also noticed that you can now fly, which isn't unheard of, but only one person can do it, and he's using a jutsu that only Iwagakure knows. Care to explain?" Hiruzen explained

"No. But I do have a question for you." If Hiruzen wasn't a disciplined shinobi, his eyes would've been the size of the sun due to Naruto's change in tone. "What is it?"

"Why didn't you tell me that I'm the son of the Yondaime Hokage, and his wife, Uzumaki Kushina?" Naruto asked

"Well, I..." Hiruzen began, but was cut off by Naruto. "Don't worry about it, jiji. Over the past few years, I've worked on my intelligence a lot. I know about what tou-san did to Iwagakure, and that kaa-san was feared across the nations due to her Kenjutsu. Anyone can tell that you did it to protect me, as I would've surely made sure that everyone knows I'm the child of the Yondaime Hokage and his wife. Then his enemies would invade the village and attempt to either kill or kidnap me." 

"I'm glad you understand." Hiruzen was genuinely relieved

"Anything else you wanted to talk about?"

"Well, yes. I don't know what happened to you, but that little display of Hyoton has caused an uproar within the council. Many of the civilian council want you put under the CRA, so there will be more Hyoton users within the village. It's giving me another headache..." Hiruzen explained

"Jiji." Hiruzen gave Naruto a confused look. "If I'm correct, the civilian council was made to help the Hokage in making decisions, not decide for him. Also, as my surrogate grandfather, whether I'm put under the CRA or not is entirely up to you. On top of that, I plan on becoming a ninja, which means that no matter what Kekkei Genkai I possess, it's not their business. That's entirely a ninja matter." Naruto explained, causing Hiruzen to nod and a fire that's all to familiar to the anbu present to return to his eyes. 

"You're right, Naruto. Tomorrow, I'm going to put them back in their place. Thanks for opening my eyes. You may go now." Hiruzen replied, before Naruto disappeared.


Naruto walked into the academy, earning differing reactions depending on gender. Most boys looked at him annoyed, and all the girls except a select few were looking at him with hearts in their eyes. Seriously, he doesn't know if it was the hair and eye change or the new outfit. 

Naruto now wore a black hoodie with 3 white tomoe in a pattern similar to the 3 tomoe sharingan on his back. He had grey shorts on, and black shinobi sandals. On his right wrist was a black bracelet he had gotten from his actual mother, when telling him about his siblings.

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