Bijuu Arc (2)

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Before this chapter starts, here's a list of Naruto's current abilities. (Ones he knows how to use)

Ice Release

Magnet Release (Amplified by Shukaku)

Lava Release (Amplified by Son Goku)

Boil Release (Amplified by Kokuo)

Enhanced Fire Release (via Matatabi, Son Goku, and Kokuo, allows him to control it without handsigns and increase it's temperature to the point that it turns blue.)

Enhanced Wind Release (via Shukaku, allows him to control it without handsigns)

Enhanced Water Release (via Kokuo, nothing special just makes it stronger.)

Enhanced Earth Release (via Son Goku, again, just makes it stronger.)

Byakugan, 3200m vision in all directions, including the one spot that normal Hyuga can't see

Sharingan, 3 tomoe.

Perfect chakra control and insane mastery of multiple taijutsu styles, including his own

Basic Fuuinjutsu

--Chapter Begin--

Kumogakure Bingo Book Entry: SS ranked criminal: Uzumaki Naruto.

Physical Appearance: Stands at around 5'5, with a lean, muscular build. Has spiky, white hair, with two brown horns standing up through it, appearing as if they're bunny ears. Pupilless white eyes, similar to those of the Hyuga, and a tan complexion.

Age: 12

Known Abilities: Jiton, Yoton, both used without handsigns. Rumors of Hyoton. Insane physical prowess, having easily dodged a full power punch from the Fourth Raikage's lightning cloak at the last second. Insane Taijutsu mastery rumored to rival Konoha's Green Beast.

If spotted, FLEE ON SIGHT (Took down Han of Iwagakure, Yugito of Kumogakure and the Fourth Raikage all in the same hour.)

Hiruzen sighed as he read this, Naruto's mission was to help Kumogakure, not kill one of their Jinchuriki and their Raikage.

"Would you like me to call him here?" An anbu asked

"No, he will come here of his own accord. If he doesn't, it's whatever." Hiruzen explained

As if on cue, Naruto appeared before Hiruzen, surprisingly, without destroying the window.

"Naruto, we were just talking about you." Hiruzen said with a chuckle

"Knowing you, you probably have questions, but knowing me, you wouldn't mind if I didn't answer them. I think I'll humor you just this once. First, A was annoying, and his attitude is more of a risk to his village than anything. I also decided that since two Bijuu were going to fight, I'd have my fun, and defeat both of them at their best. I'm sure you already know of my mission to absorb all the Bijuu." Naruto explained

"Yes I do know of that mission, but I don't know your goal. Would you mind telling me?" Hiruzen replied

"Yes, I would. Don't worry though, I won't use their power to attempt to take over the world." Naruto answered

"But will you do something evil?" Asked the anbu that was still present in the room

The Anbu received a glare from Hiruzen that sent chills down his spine, and coughed.

"You spoke out of line, I suggest you don't do that again. But as for your question, it depends. For example, Anko thinks dango is the best food in the world, I think it's ramen. In her eyes, she's right and I'm wrong. No matter how you look at it, good and evil is a matter of perspective." Naruto replied

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