Tsukikami (NON-CANON)

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skip to chapter 6 if its out, this one is literally just a short filler arc for Sasuke.

Sasuke found himself back at the Land of Metal, in the main village (forgot the name). He was currently investigating a clan that Naruto said could be a threat to the Espada, which shocked Sasuke more than anything. Even the weakest member could beat a sannin, albeit barely. To be honest though, Sasuke didn't understand why Naruto allowed her to join the Espada because she didn't even have the strength to kill the Sannin after. 

Anyways, Sasuke jumped from roof to roof in the village, before finding a compound with a huge dark blue flag, that has white stars on it and a crescent moon. Sasuke walked inside the compound, and immediately went to the building that looked to be of the most importance. Inside of said building was a huge library, which was surprisingly unguarded.

Sasuke skimmed through the books, before finding books and scrolls on clan secrets, techniques and etc. Sasuke was about to grab a book, but he stopped himself and activated his sharingan. Sasuke saw multiple seals made of chakra, that appear to only allow people that are actually from the clan to take these books and scrolls. Sasuke sighed before leaving the library and looking around the compound.

Immediately, Sasuke found an alone clan member. It was a woman that looked to be in her early 30's. She had long, dark blue hair, and blue eyes. Sasuke dropped down in front of her, shocking her and causing her to look him in the eyes. Sasuke then activated his sharingan and put the woman under a genjutsu, that made her follow all of his orders.

"Get scrolls and books on clan secrets, techniques and history." Sasuke explained, earning a nod from the woman

The woman then walked off, and Sasuke followed close behind on the rooftops. To be honest, Sasuke couldn't understand how this clan could be a threat. However, he trusted Naruto's judgement, as it's because of Naruto that Sasuke is as powerful as he is now. Sasuke continued following the woman, until she entered the library. Sasuke sat outside of said library, and 2 minutes later, the woman came out and jumped to the roof Sasuke was on.

The woman handed Sasuke the books and scrolls, before jumping off. Sasuke then released his genjutsu. Sasuke grabbed the books and scrolls and leapt off, leaving the compound, however, he never got the chance to open the books, as he was immediately surrounded by Anbu. Sasuke sighed, activated his sharingan and drew his sword. Just as he did, the anbu charged him.

Sasuke dodged a slash from a tanto, before grabbing said tanto and using it to stab the Anbu wielding it. Sasuke parried a strike from a chokuto, before decapitating the chokuto wielding anbu, and sweeping the leg of a anbu that tried to attack him while he was distracted. Sasuke then jumped, and weaved handsigns. 'Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu!' Sasuke thought as he released a giant fireball from his mouth that engulfed most of the Anbu below him.

Sasuke quickly finished off the remaining Anbu, and looked towards the books and scrolls they fought so hard to protect. Confused, Sasuke opened the scroll that looked to be the most important. Inside of the scroll was a seal, a seal that definitely required a clan member's blood to work. Sasuke sighed before he went back to the compound, quickly killed a clan member and brought back their body. Sasuke then held the body over the scroll, and blood poured onto the scroll. The seal then began to glow, and laughter was heard throughout the village.

Sasuke jumped away from the scroll, confused as to where this strength laughter is coming from, and the insane buildup of chakra. A white light shot out of the scroll, and after said light disappeared, a woman was standing above the scroll. All Sasuke could feel from the woman was killing intent, a killing intent that was even greater than Naruto's. The sheer force of said killing intent had forced Sasuke's sharingan to evolve to the Mangekyou.

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