Chapter 6 ✨

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Love's P.O.V.

Honestly I'm here at this house to get a break from mine and spend time with Off. He is my only cousin who understands me properly. I can tell him about my feelings without being afraid of getting judged. He is a very understanding person.

Honestly I feel very pity for him. Just because he can't see, he is getting forced to marriage. I don't want Off to marry Milk. She is a good girl but not the girl who is loved by Off. I need to save Off from this arranged marriage at any cost. That's why I have decided that I'll become best friends with her and make her decline for the marriage.

“Hey Milk what are you doing?" I said to Milk.

“I? I am learning to make a DIY bracelet."

“Oh really?"

“Yes. Mom said I should gift it to Off."

“And you are going to do it?"


“I don't think that you should do it. It's your life, right?"


“So it's you who should decide all these."

“But I don't have a problem with it. We are getting married soon anyways..."

“So you love him?"

“Er... No?"

“Then why are you going to marry him?"

“Because my mom said."

“Are you nuts?! If your mom tells you to jump off the cliff, will you?"

“She won't say so."

“Ah you are too mom devoted to find your true love. Milk you should find someone good for yourself by yourself."

“But my mom did chose a good guy."

“I know but you don't love him. Maybe if you try you can find someone who will love you more than you can imagine. Plus you know that Off isn't a bit interested in you."

“I maybe can but maybe cannot. So there's no point of hurting my mom for this possiblity. And about that, I even don't have feelings for him. But he's a good guy, there's no loss of giving it a try with him."

“Milk give my words a thought... This arranged marriage is the worst choice for you guys." I said and walked away. Okay so she's blinded in her mom's influence. She isn't okay with the marriage but she is okay. The hell! I need to be more patient to deal with her.

Off's P.O.V.

“Babe why are you being like this?!" Said Ohm throwing a cushion at me.

“Ohm... Listen going to the park with me and Mimi won't be any fun. I'd rather want you to go to university and have fun."

“But I wanna be with you!"

“But there's a event in your university tomorrow! If you go to help, you'll get a have fun."

“No I won't."

“Why is that?"

“Because you won't be there."


“Okay so we are going to the park." Said Ohm and walked away. He'll never change!

“Ah fine! Now come here and take me with you. I'm giving Tay a break and it's you who will take care of me."

“It always should be me." Ohm said.

“Yeah yeah." I said. Honestly I am okay with Ohm coming with me but he should be social with other people too. Plus I'm sure that Gun will ask a million questions about us.

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