Chapter 1

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It was dark. There was nothing. Caper was gone, Sazel was gone, I was alone. Suddenly, I heard a child crying. I followed the noise, and found a little girl; it was me. she slowly began to grow up, and then I fell. I saw a bright light fade above me, and a new one below. I now see a strange place of greenery, not rocks. There is a girl.

"What is this place?" I asked the girl.

"This is the park." The girl answered, confused it seemed. she was very blurry, but I could see that she was wearing a pale yellowish school uniform, and that she was taller than me.

"How did I get here?"

"Sorry, I don't know. do you know how you got here?"

"well, that's what I am trying to figure out." I turned around, and there was someone there. I felt this wave of dread wash over me, though I did not know what was wrong. there was something about them, and it just made me feel in danger. All of a sudden, I awoke to the sound of the teacher hitting my desk with a ruler.

"that would be strike two, miss Loralie." Ms. Hubble said. then, she kneeled down and whispered to me.

"are you okay? you seem really tired."

"yeah I don't really know what is happening. can I please be excused to talk to the counselor for a moment?"

"sure, honey," she stood up, "go on ahead. do you need a hall pass?"

"yeah." I got the hall pass and left. as I walked, I felt like I was being watched. suddenly, Ziniffer pulled me out of the hall and into the library.

"what the hell are you doing?!"

"Lo, they want you dead."


"the one from your daydream?"

"you mean the one behind me?"


"but how did you know?" To answer, all that he did was hold up his mirror. Using it, he must have seen what was happening in my dream.

"so, what should I do then?"

"you need to meet me back here tomorrow, at lunch, with Caper and Sizel."

"but why?"

"because we need to go somewhere."

"okay," I said. then I headed back to class, even though I had not even spoken to the counselor just yet.

once I got back, the bell rang.

"Lo, please be sure to read chapter 2 of the story, "Nothing Like a Heart Breaks.""

"alright. thank you."

"oh, and Lo?"


"watch your parents. they are having a fight as soon as you get home."

"well, thank you." she gave me a sympathetic look, and then I left. In the hall, I met up with Caper.

"hi," He said.

"hi." we then walked in silence until Sazel ran up to us.

"hey, guys!" they said, jumping on my back.

"Sazel, I'm gonna die," I said, on the ground, gasping for breath.

"hah! not on my watch." and with that, they helped me up.

"oh yeah?  well, I almost fucking died, you shithead." 

"calm down, Lo.  you still look like a bitch to me." he replied.  

"yeah, thanks," I said, sarcastically.  

"you guys, Ziniffer wants us all to meet up in the library during lunch." I changed the topic.  

"why?" Caper asked.

"oh come on, maybe it'll be fun!" Sazel said, rubbing Caper's head.

"well, I guess you are right. but we have to be careful. he may have bad news or something." Caper replied.

"actually, I think that he may have good and bad news." I said, and we all stayed silent as we got to our lockers.

after school, I walked Sazel and Caper to the gate.

"bye," Caper said, as he got into his dad's car.

"bye!" Sazel and I waved, then beginning the long walk home.

"so, how was your day?" Sazel asked me.

"pretty good. I am still wondering about what it is that Ziniffer has to tell us," I said, and after that, up until the moment in which we reached Sazel's house, where we then said goodbye, there was a silence through the whole walk.

Once I got home, it was already getting dark, and I hurried inside. my parents were fighting, and then my father saw me.

"where have you been that has caused you to come home so late." he demanded.

"I was walking home from school with Sazel."

"lies!" he shouted, and then he hit me. mother caught his arms behind his back, and then called to me.

"Lo, run!" after she had said that, I ran up the stairs, screaming and crying, since father had escaped her grasp, and had began to hit her, which is when I realised that he could actually kill her at this point. I ran into my room, slammed the door, locked it, and froze. I could hear him. he was running up the stairs; he realized that I had the phone, and could therefore call for help. he began to break down the door, and I called the police.

"this is the police department, how may I help you-"

"please, track my number as soon as possible. my dad is trying to break down the door. he almost killed mom." I interrupted.

"do you know where you are to make it easier for us to get there?"

"I do not know my address, just that it is Wrench Street, the green house at the end, turning off of Diamond."

"okay, we will get there as fast as possible." and with that, I hung up the phone. he was almost through the door, and I then grabbed my suitcase from under the bed, jumped out of my bedroom window, and landed on the tree. I then threw it on the sidewalk, so that he would think that had gone that way if he cam looking for me. I crawled over to Dandy's window, knocked, and she let me in.

"what's wrong?" she asked me, and I then explained everything to her. she allowed me to sleep the night, and then, surprisingly, I slept, and yet no dreams.  

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