Chapter 3

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after a while of walking, we realized that we had been there for hours.  then, we sat down and played Casher Cards.  

"I have the deck now, mwahahahaha!" Sazel said, really getting into character, as usual.  

"shit." Caper said. 

"yeah, we're fucked." Ziniffer sighed.  

"not for long!" I said, using my reverse card to get the deck back under my control.  

"oh, fuck!" Sazel said.  

"Hell Card!" Caper said, slamming his hand down.  

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" I slowly rolled away from the circle.  

"the deck has no owner.  I must take it!" but just as Caper placed down his King Card, Ziniffer placed down a Cancel Card, sending him back down to my level.  

"nice one, Zini!" Dandy said, clapping her hands.  

"don't call me that!" Ziniffer exclaimed.  

"why not?" Dandy rubbed her cheek against his, growing whiskers.  

"I gotta get outta here," Ziniffer said, and he got up and ran.  

"hey, wait for me, Zini!" Dandy ran after him.  since she was the stronger one, she was able to bring him down.  then, after they rolled around on the ground, they laughed, then staring at each other.  I walked over and twisted Sazel and Caper's heads from staring, since those two were going to kiss.  

"eyes on the game, guys.  those two have officially been banished." 

after the game, Caper had also been sent to hell, leaving Sazel victorious.  Caper had placed down his only Hell Card, and Sazel used the Reflect Card, so that Caper would be sent there instead.  suddenly, we saw the girl from before and one of her friends.  we ended up following her, and then she entered her house.  then, we hid next to it, and devised a plan.  

"Dandy, turn into a cat to get her attention.  then, we all jump out, got it?" I asked everyone.  

"got it," they all agreed.  

"Zini, stand next to me, my love," Dandy purred.  

"fine," Ziniffred sighed, trying to hide the fact that he wanted to be next to her, though we could all tell.  then, Dandy knocked and turned into a cat.  the door opened, and there was the girl.  

"hey buddy, are you lost?  and how did you knock on the door, oh dang it." she said.  

"we're here!" the four of us said, flailing our arms.  

she slammed the door.  

"bro what the fuck is up with her?" Caper crossed his arms.  

"I don't know, but she's talking to someone." I say.  we listen.  

"bitch, I can't hear shit!" Sazel said, and we all agreed.  

"what do you want?" the girl said, opening the door suddenly.  

"we want to know your name." Dandy said.  

"All this for my name?  get lost." she slammed the door again.  

"stand aside, Zini," Dandy cracked her knuckles.  then, the punched the door.  the girl had walked a few steps away, and the door landed next to her.  

"what the hell, that was expensive.  do you have any idea how much that costed?!" the girl turned around and yelled.  

"nope," Sazel shrugged like the idiot they are.  

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