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Hi. My name is Y/N L/N. I died in 2018, due to Suicide at the age of 19. You may be wondering.. "Y/N, how could you possibly want to kill yourself at such a young age?? You still had so much to Live for!!" You Don't Get the whole story. Let me explain.

Ever since I was five, My father would drink and do drugs..and my mother was constantly being abused by him. She eventually ran away and was out of the picture. But Father never hit me..I'm still Trying to figure out why. Anyways, by the time I turned fifteen he started treating me just like he treated mother when she was with us. Life was miserable at school too. I was never able to shower due to constantly getting yelled at, doing chores I shouldn't be doing, Being hit, and being locked in the basement the rest of that time. My father rarely fed me too, so I was very skinny. That's the main thing I was teased about. I would get in fights, and I turned to shit I shouldn't have, which got me into this shithole they call hell in the first place. What was it? Homoside, Underage drinking, And smoking. I did drugs from time to time, not often though. I would mainly kill children and teens. Never went for adults, because I wanted them to suffer the feeling of not having their child.

By my 19th birthday, I came up with the idea that if I killed myself, maybe my dad would have the feeling those adults did when they lost their child due to a murder. Police everywhere were after me, everyone at school hated me, I cut myself, father hates me, all of my family is dead, so why not end it all! On my birthday. What a gift!!

So on (insert your birthday), 2018, I did it. Put a gun up to my stomach, and shot. Father came rushing in worried as hell, but all I could think about was how good the pain felt. My whole body was numb, other than the spot that I shot myself at. The pain felt..easing. Like one of those destress bathbombs, Or listening to calming music to get your mind off of shit. That easing. As I fell to the floor, my father ran in with a towel to try and put pressure on the wound and stop the bleeding. I grabbed the gun and put it up to his head, trying to speak. I was too happy- no. Happy isn't the word, Lets just say..In ease, to shoot him. As black dots filled my vision, I blacked out. Next thing I know, it gets hot.


A Drug Addict's Lover ~~Angel Dust x F! Y/N~~Where stories live. Discover now