~~A Reason To Hang Out~~

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"come onnnnn! Please talk to me! Im bored as hell~" And he scooted closer to me. "Fine! What do you wanna talk about angel?" I said. "You~" I looked at him. "Why?" "Because your hot!"I began to talk again. " I thought you were gay-" he chuckled and spoke again. "Theres a thing called bisexual honey~" I laughed. "Yeah, I guess your right! Anyways, I hear there's a really good place to eat downtown, wanna go with me?" He looks at me, then smirks. "Is this you asking me out finally?" "Hah! You wish lover boy!" I stood up walking over to my desk. "So toots, when are we goin'?" I turn back to look at him. "Now. That is, if its alright with you!" I say putting my shoes on. "Why not?" He says.

"Where are you two heading?" Charlie asked "Oh! Just the restaurant downtown!" I say walking out. "So. Why'd you ask me to go with ya? I mean there has to be a reason!~" hah, no. "nah, just hate to see your dumbass being lonely!" He looked at me as if he was offended "That was uncalled for!" I look at him "tch, your uncalled for ya dingus!" I look away and continue walking. By the time we got there the worker greeted us. "Angel! Glad to see you back! This another one of your clients?" Angel dust chuckled."hah, no! And my clients are mostly men so-" he looked at me and back at the worker. "Oh! Okay! So, table for two I assume?" I nod. "Okay! Table 223!"

We go over and sit down. I order (insert your favorite food and drink) and he orders a water with steak. Im not gonna question. Anyways, we eat and we watch the comedy person that was on stage and had a few drinks. Angel was already wasted by the time we got back to the hotel. It was kind of cute in a way, not gonna lie. I couldn't just let him be alone in his room while drunk and he insisted on staying with me anyways, so I let him change in his room while I set up an air mattress with blankets and pillows. "Dafuk?" I look up at him. "What's the problem?" "am I not sleeping with you toots?" I look at him and laugh "hah! No! Well, not if its uncomfortable, then I guess ill allow it." He smiled. "awwe! so you do care about me dont ya toots?" he said scooting closer to me. "the hell do you think your doing dumbass!" i laughed. "whaaat? im cold and your warm, thats all. what were ya thinking i was tryna' do toots?" he laughed and 'accidentally' put his hand on top of mine. "what the hell?'' i say looking at him. "what?'' he said actualy confused. "why do you-" i looked back away "..have your hand on mine..?" he grinned and said "no reason tits!" he laughed and looked away.

A Drug Addict's Lover ~~Angel Dust x F! Y/N~~Where stories live. Discover now