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I was at Mina's crib with herself, her boyfriend aka Kirishima and myself and he was painting our nails.

"Y/n you coming to the motiv at my house?" He brightly smiled , giving me the biggest puppy dog eyes.

I groaned contemplating, I haven't been to a motive in ages but it's a full moon today and I don't want to miss it.

"If you're thinking about the full moon then you can leave early!" Mina giggled completely reading my mind.

I took a sigh of relief and I nodded my head in agreement. "And~ there might be some cute boys!" She suggested.

Kiri stopped painting her left hand a gave her a dirty look and I snorted at his jealously. Mina kissed her teeth continuing,

"-FOR Y/n may I add like that one Sero guy you showed me babe that's deffo Y/n type!" She squealed.

This caused Kirishima to move and almost mess up her nails. I hummed knowing that Mina knows my type welllllll.

It peaked my interest but I didn't want to jump into something because not long ago I got out a toxic relationship.

I groaned before giving in, "Cheeto head you got a picture of him?"

He hummed as a smile-smirk plastered on his face. Not the couple trying to play Cupid... ghetto behaviour.

Kirishima pulled out his phone swiping through his camera before finally landing on a picture of him.

Kirishima pulled out his phone swiping through his camera before finally landing on a picture of him

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'Oh lord...' i thought as the rest of my thoughts ran wild. I think my face gave everything away, I was definitely feeling him.

"And he's tatted up!" Mina giggled as she poked my cheeks, I noticed that I was subconsciously smiling.

I dropped my face back to my resting bitch face. "He could have a shit personality... I'll just see at the motive." I came up with an excuse.

Kirishima laughed as he finished the both of our nails placing our hands under his nail lamp.

Luckily, for the two of us (Mina and myself). Kirishima's mum and sister forced him to learn how to do nails.

So instead of going to get our acrylics done for like £60 = 9,582.58 yen. We just get Kirishima do to them for free!

We pulled our hands out and they gave everything and more than they needed to!



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A/N: if you don't like the nails imagine something else ♡︎

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A/N: if you don't like the nails imagine something else ♡︎

Mina was clearly happy with the results that she felt comfortable enough to give lover boy a bunch of kisses in-front of me.

Usually, I'd complain about them being cute all up in front of me but I'm actually IN LOVE with my nails.

"Well my motive is in two hours knowing how long you two take you should start getting ready now." Kirishima stated placing a kiss on Mina's forehead.

He started placing everything back into his bag and he waved bye. "BYE RED HEAD!" I screamed loud enough for him to hear.

Mina slapped the back of my head and I gave her MY dirty look that could kill. "When you gon start calling him by his name?" She asked.

I smiled whilst getting up before replying sarcastically, "The day I don't like him at all!" She just rolled her eyes jokingly at me.

I grabbed Mina's hand pulling her up from the coach before saying. "You heard the man we should start to get ready!"

We both headed upstairs to look for the most head turning outfits ever.

You know it's double homocide when you and your best friend love to over-dress to every occasion known to man!.

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