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"What's say we go to McD's and order a meal? To celebrate your victory, huh champ?" Seokjin asks as he rotates the steering wheel to turn left.

His eight-year-old son pulls his gaze away from the window and shifts it to his father behind the wheel.

"Is dad joining us there?" Taehyung asks, sounding so hopeful that it cracks Seokjin's heart.

"No, buddy. I'm sorry."

"Oh," Taehyung whispers, slumping slightly in his seat, "then no. Just wanna go home."

Seokjin swallows hard.

"Are you sure?"

"Mhm. S'fine."

"If you say so, buddy."

After a good thirty minute drive, the father-son duo are back home. Taehyung disappears into his room murmuring that he'd be back downstairs a little later.

Seokjin once again tries to contact Namjoon, but the younger doesn't pick. Clenching and unclenching his fists, Seokjin takes a deep breath just as Taehyung re-enters the living room.

"Would you like me to prepare some snacks for you? How about some strawberry milkshake, hmm?"

Taehyung bites his lip nervously and when he looks up at Seokjin, his eyes are glazed with unshed tears. The older's heart drops and in three quick steps, he's kneeling beside his son and pulling him into a hug.

"Baby bear, what happened? Did you hurt yourself?"

"Does dad not love me anymore?" The boy asks, voice shaky and muffled.

Seokjin pulls away to look at his son, who now has tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Baby, no. Dad loves you so much."

"But...he always promises to come and never does."

And f*ck, it hurts. Taehyung isn't wrong. Namjoon's just never there despite the promises he makes.

"Does dad not want me anymore? I miss...miss dada," the boy hiccups, lower lip trembling and Jin's heart aches as he holds the younger against him tightly.

He presses a light kiss to the back of the boy's head.

"Oh baby. Dada does love you and of course, he wants you. Your dad just... sometimes he just loses track of time with all the work he does. I know you miss dada. Don't worry, okay? Next match, he'll definitely be there."

"You promise?" Taehyung asks and God, Seokjin feels like a monster when he wraps his pinky around his son's.

"I promise."

"Can I stay up till dada comes home?" Taehyung sniffles, "Just miss dada a lot."

Seokjin doesn't have the heart to say no to his son and cups his cheeks delicately.

"Sure you can. How about we binge watch your favourite animated movies till then, hmm? Sounds like a good idea?"

Taehyung nods, a slight smile on his face and Seokjin pecks his forehead, trying his hardest to conceal the amount of hurt, anger, and frustration that runs through his veins.

To be continued
21 December, 2022

The importance of a father's presence // Namjin [✓]Where stories live. Discover now