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Seokjin restlessly glances at his wristwatch then checks his phone for any texts from Namjoon but he receives none. His texts are left unseen by his husband, which isn't surprising yet upsetting. He'd promised to be there for their son's soccer match, as he always did. Promised to show up this time, like he did the previous times. But something always came up.

Something always came up when Taehyung had a soccer match and it would be Seokjin, left alone, cheering for his son on the bleachers. Namjoon never showed up, always caught up in work or some kind of office emergencies that prevented him from being where he needed to be.

And Seokjin, being the good and understanding husband, let it slide. He understood how much it mattered to Namjoon, and if course he supported him. But he's human too. He has needs too. If not for him, then Seokjin expects Namjoon to be present, atleast for their son. It kills Seokjin, honestly, because Taehyung believes that his father will keep his promise only to have his heart broken at the end of the day when there's absolutely no sign of Namjoon anywhere.

And God, Seokjin hates it. Today, like every other normal day, Namjoon is nowhere in sight. Once again, history repeats itself. Jin's chats are left unanswered and unseen. Seokjin's left alone to cheer their son who runs down the field, kicking the soccer ball as he does, approaching the defenders.

Thirty minutes pass.

No Namjoon.

Another thirty minutes pass.

Still no Namjoon.

Seokjin loses hope. It's a 90 minute game and it doesn't seem like Namjoon's going to show up. Still he pushes himself to give his husband a call. The phone rings.

And rings.

Then heads through voicemail.

Seokjin clenches his jaw, heart squeezing slightly. He shakes his head. He watches Taehyung kick the ball, but it hits the goalpost, bouncing back.

"That's my boy! Come on, baby bear! You've got this. Come on, Taetae!"

He watches as Taehyung's eyes make contact with him and a subtle nod is sent his way. Then Taehyung rushes across the field, after the opposing player, to attack.

Thirty minutes later, the match comes to an end as the coach blows his whistle. Seokjin jumps to his feet, whistling loudly and clapping, happy that Taehyung's school team won the match. He watches Taehyung and the rest of the players on his team disappear off the ground and into the changing rooms.

His attention goes back to the phone. He feels frustration bubble inside when there's still no reply from Namjoon. Not even a single call. He shoves his phone into his pocket with a grumble and moves off the bleachers.

To be continued
21 December, 2022

The importance of a father's presence // Namjin [✓]Where stories live. Discover now