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"What did you want to talk about?" Namjoon asks, as he plops himself onto the couch and gulps down a few sips of water.

"Where were you today?"

"Jin, what do you mean by that? You know where I go everyd—"

"No, Namjoon. Where were you when you should have been at your son's soccer match?" Seokjin barks, his nose practically releasing fumes at this point because for f*cks sake, he has had enough.

Enough of Namjoon's empty promises.

Enough of being the one to make empty promises to his son only for Namjoon to break them each time.

"Where the f*ck were you, Namjoon!?" Seokjin growls.

Slowly realisation seems to hit the other.

"Oh," he simply says, cheeks burning with shame.

"Oh? That's what you have to say? Oh!?" Jin demands.

"Jesus, babe. Calm down. I got caught up with work. You know how much this means to me. If this goes right, I could get a promotion."

"F*ck the promotion!"

Namjoon's eyes narrowed slightly.


"Don't you 'Jin' me. Our son just wanted you to watch him play—"

"I'll be there next time. When's his next match?"

Seokjin slams his fist on the table, now shaking, with hurt or anger, he isn't sure.

"You always say that. Always. And you never f*cking show up!"

"That's because something comes up—"

"And that something just happens to be much more important than Taehyung and myself."

"Jin, this is ridiculous."

"Oh, is it? Is it, Joon? I'll tell you what's ridiculous. What's ridiculous is the empty promises you make to the two of us. What's ridiculous is how you still are shameless enough to make more promises without meaning to keep any of them. What's ridiculous is how you put everything else before your family," Jin shouts, volume getting louder with each word.

"That's not true," Namjoon denies, equally angry.

He's so f*cking tired after spending almost the entire day in his office and all he wanted was to get home to his kid and Seokjin, probably cuddle them in bed.

But this?

This was the last thing he expected.

"You never picked a single call."

"My phone was on silent—"

"You never replied to my texts!"

"I never saw th—"

"You never show up! Where are you? You're never here."

"F*ck this. I can't," growls Namjoon, picking up his car keys and storming out of the room. A second later, there's a loud slam of the door indicating that Namjoon left.

Finally, Seokjin breaks, unable to hold back anymore.

He grips the headrest of the chair as tears blur his vision, body shaking with sobs.

"I just miss you," he whispers brokenly.

To be continued
21 December, 2022

The importance of a father's presence // Namjin [✓]Where stories live. Discover now