Chapter 1

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A/N: Everything has its own up and downs. Even weddings... this is an angst fic in a trench coat pretending to be a fluff fic.

Here's the wedding fic i promised AGES AGO!! finally here! ameliajones145

It was fucking five AM when Zayto heard the voice. It was almost like an ambulance siren, but a little more musical, even though the chant was something they had all been hearing for the past two days, every morning.

"I AM GETTING MARRIED TODAY IT'S MY WEDDING DAYYYY!!!" Same lines, over and over and over again.

Everyone in the hotel heard it.

Including Javi's fiancé.

"Javi!!" You'd think she was trying to kidnap him, the way she put her palm around his mouth, to shut him up.

"Amelia!" He'd say, completely unaware of the threatening tone in her voice, and turn around to hug her around the waist, and sometimes— more often than not, lift her off her feet.

It had been going this way for the past few days— and finally, on the wedding day, Amelia had decided she'd had enough, and letting the others suffer, she popped in some earbuds and slept through the entirety of Javi's charade.

Let him get it all out of his system. He's not gonna get more days to yell about this.

Anyway, once woken up, Amelia couldn't really go back to sleep again. So instead, she found herself wrapping the soft white hotel blankets around her even closely, and letting herself drift into the same fluffy thoughts she had to drag herself out of, to go and pull her fiancé out of his.

Neither of them had been from particularly well off families, to be able to afford a lavish wedding, the type you found for celebrities, in magazines— her parents were aliens with no source of income, for grid's sake. Everything said and done, they didn't want their parents to chip in either. So most of it was paid for by Javi's tours, and Amelia's shows. They were both relative beginners in their field, but it still worked out well enough for them to book a couple floors at the hotel, and the hall, and basically everything required for now, because Javi was adamant that he was going to make this the most memorable day of their lives, even if it took his all. Warden Buzzkill and Pop Pop had tried to help too, and at the end of the day, it had come out to everyone's satisfaction.

But that wasn't what Amelia was thinking about, on her wedding day. Her felt blood rushing into her cheeks, when she thought about the fact that by the end of the day, she'd be... married. She knew she didn't have commitment issues, because she'd been with Javi for five years already, without feeling scared about spending the rest of her life with him— instead, she felt a thrill at the thought of it. Javi was... the perfect guy. At least for her. Sure, he was a little... overemotional, which sometimes clashed with the fact that she had anger issues, but apart from that, they'd had a smooth relationship. He didn't hold a grudge, she readily apologised when she messed up, he didn't put his ego between them, they loved each other, and cared about each other. If Amelia would've had a list, she would've ticked off every single check mark for Javi.

There was nothing more she could ask for.

And she was going to be with him forever.

Apparently, he'd had this realisation long before she had, because right now, she felt like she needed to scream 'I'm getting married' just the way he had been this past week.

She didn't get the chance, though, because she heard the door of the adjoining room—that of her parents— opening, and her mother, aka the alien who had tried to destroy her and her friends long ago, poked her head in, with a goofy smile that mirrored Amelia's own, "you up, honey?"

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