Chapter 3

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Javi felt overwhelmed.

This. This right here.

This was the highlight of his life. He didn't want anything else. Ever. He didn't need anything else.

He looked at the little piece of paper in his hand, and opened it once, his eyes scanning the words written on it, and he smiled, feeling a blush rushing up to his cheeks, and crumbled the paper up in his hands, and shoved it into his pocket, and turned around to flash the biggest, most genuine smile he possibly could, at his to-be wife, who was being walked to the aisle, to be next to him, by her grandfather. He didn't need a pre-written speech to say, he'd forget anything he'd prepared earlier anyway. He knew that, just by looking at her in her wedding gown.

"Take my hand, take my whole life too"

The music played from the band, and Javi couldn't think of a moment more perfect, for his eyes to fall on the love of his life, as she came into his view, and he felt his eyes fill with tears.

He'd never seen her looking as beautiful as she did in that moment. She had always looked incredible to him, but in that moment, with her eyes meeting his halfway, as she walked towards him with the most beautiful smile in the universe, a bouquet of flowers in her hand, Javi Garcia knew he wouldn't want anything in the universe to take that moment away from him.

He could hear some chatter among his three best men, and could catch some words like 'lovesick' and 'music' and it didn't take a genius to figure out the matter of conversation had been Javi himself, and he wondered just how lovesick he looked to others, when he looked at Amelia. He was the only one who actually knew what he was feeling, how his heart was doing cartwheels inside his ribcage, as he waited for her to walk down the aisle. The distance was so short, but it felt like an eternity to him. Finally, though, he found her standing right in front of him, and then he realised he couldn't face her.

A blush creeping up his cheeks, he felt scared, he felt like he would disappoint her, looking downwards at his shoes feeling his ears flaring up as well, his head spinning as he waited for his bride to approach him, his heart almost beating itself out off is chest. He was sure everyone in the hall could hear the sound of his racing heart. Javi gulped, swallowing his tears, and raised his head to look at her, and welcome the rest of his life with her, the entire world around him fading away, blurring out of vision, as Javi feeling like nothing except him, and her, existed in the universe.

Pop Pop dropped her off, and moved to the side, Javi didn't notice, the priest said some words, Javi didn't notice. He was absolutely lost in the beauty of her eyes, her smile, her everything.

"Cuz I can't help, Falling in Love, with You"

It wasn't until Ollie poked him with a finger, that he realised that was his cue, his turn to say the vows.

He knew this was going to be cheeky as shit, but like he'd told Fern only a few hours ago, everything that came out of his lips in this moment, was going to be the truth.

"I—" he fumbled, not knowing what to say, just as he'd predicted, all the practice he'd had in front of the mirror washed away, "Amelia" he gasped, his fingers playing around with the edge of his tuxedo, "I don't know if what I say will be able to do justice to what I feel about you" he mumbled, but then, coughed, trying to clear his throat, and looked straight into her eyes, "I don't know how, or why, or when, I fell in love with you, but I do remember when I had the realisation. And that moment, was probably one of the most beautiful and painful moments of my life. You were injured, and I had a concert pending, and I had to write a song, because someone had stolen my original one. While writing it, Amelia, I realised it was impossible, because at that moment I realised the one I had wanted to write, had been written for you. And with you injured, I couldn't write another one, my mind kept wandering back to you, and only you. That was when I realised I had fallen, deep. I'll spare everyone around the details that followed, but it took oh so long for me to actually be able to call you mine" his voice choked up, "And I—"

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