Chapter 10

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"Alessio, where the fuck are you? I'm not your chauffeur to drive you around, get your ass out or it'll be you whose bones I'll be breaking instead of that Bratva fucker we were supposed to interrogate", I hollered in the Common Room.

Nobody is punctual here, why am I always have to be waiting for them.

Massimo walked in lazily as if he was going for a walk. "Alessio won't be joining you today, I will be", he informed.

"And what the fuck has crawled up your ass", he added.

For fuck's sake, atleast Alessio is tolerable, Massimo is too inquisitive for my taste.

"And why the fuck is that?", I enquired while walking to the car parked outside.

"He's gone to meet his girlfriend", he replied shaking his eyebrows.

"The Vitiello girl? He's still after her? Matteo is gonna kill him, and then we'll have to kill Matteo, and ofcourse Luca then, which would not go well with Amo, and thereby Greta, and thereby her brother, that is me", I said pointing at my chest.

"You see the chronology here? Why don't I just make it simpler and get rid of Alessio at the first place itself, and save us all the drama and bloodbath that would follow", I told him.

He didn't even bat an eyelash, he knew I would do no such thing, I would always stand by my brothers, they are my cousins, but no less than brothers.

As we sat in the car, Massimo chimed in, "He'll also meet Aurora and Greta for lunch, they both haven't visited since Greta's wedding, how long has it been?"

"6 months and 2 days", I replied instantly regretting that immediately.

"You counting days now, wow, just a confusion though", he mockingly asked.

I remained quiet.

"Is it because of your twin or because of the girl whose been crushing on your ugly ass all her life?", he continued studying my face.

"Do not interfere in my matters Massimo, it's none of your fucking business", I gritted.

I didn't let him say anything else as we reached the Sugar Trap, I do not want to think what has me so wound up, is it the the loss of my light with my sister gone, or is it Aurora I'm missing. I don't have to think this.

By Ruin I Rise (Nevio and Aurora)Where stories live. Discover now