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Bloodnight Tragedy

POV: Archie

I'm relaxing in the library... im reading my favourite novels that i liked for some while, i heard others chatting away to their friends whilst i was sat alone in my thoughts... the scent of old books surrounded the library, i heard some other kids studying for their next exam, but they were older kids... Judging by their looks they were 15-17 years old... I got a little worried for them because i knew they could not be in the shelter anymore and had to get a job straight away or had to fight the robotics... I wondered what will happen to them. i heard footsteps coming towards me, I heard clinging of spiked bracelets and stomping of punk type boots... then i turned around to see who was trying to scare me... It was some kid, They had Blond messy short hair... Was wearing a black long sleeve with a band logo on it and baggy green jeans with a spiked belt that also had chains on it... They did look a bit scary but then they paused for a moment.

"Did you know one of your group members gotten injured snd is in the health wing?" They said.

"W-what? When? How?" I cried.

"I dunno, My sibling told me that and since xe know that your their group-mate or whatever you call it so they told me to inform you... But don't worry... they'll get discharged in a hour or so... Apparently they are asleep according to that nerd with red glasses." They replied

"The 'nerd' with red glasses is also my group-mate... Their name is Moth." I hissed

"Ah, right... Sorry not sorry." They giggled

"Whatever... Anyways im going to get whoever this group-mate is a get well soon gift. who is it that ended up in the health wing?" I said.

"My sibling claims its Void, By the way my names Emm." Emm said while they sighed

"Nice to meet you... Emm?" I replied.

"Yep, My actual name is Emma... But thats a sissy and boring name." Emm said.

"To be honest i think your Bean's sibling... Right?" I questioned

"How did you figure that out?" They hissed.

"Indigo told me that your his cousins and you look like how he described you and bean..." i replied.

"Ah, That werido... Anyways excited for BloodNight?" Emm said while brightened up.

"I have no time right now, but yes i am... anyways i should get going" i said while sighing

"Alright... See you later... Your name?" Emm questioned

"Archie." I answered

"Right, see you later arch!" Emm said while waving goodbye.

i put my bookmark inside my book and leave the library... It was a bit busy because of BloodNight, It was already getting on 5PM and its getting a bit dark... Then I witnessed Void being assisted by Yvonne!

"Void! Are you alright?... What happened to your eye?" I cried.

"I'm fine, Archie... I probably just gotten a brick thrown at my face." They sait flatly

"It was a pretty disgusting injury... i know its not pretty medic of me to say that but it was a bloody mess... very bloody... it was like their brains were blown out." Yvonne said quietly.

"Enough, Yvonne. That was too much detail... Also your fine. Its perfectly okay to be grossed out by what you saw." I said

"What about me?... i was the one who nearly died." Void cried.

"Of course we are thinking about you, Void..." Said Yvonne in a serious tone, a tone that sounded like the word 'died' had sank into Yvonne's heart like a brick going under the water.

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