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As soon as the four of you were done, Eunwoo suggested to wash the dishes with you while the other two waited at the living room and it did make Jihyo jealous a bit.

When the both of you were done, the four of you then headed upstairs to y/n's room. Hyungsik and Jihyo's eyes widen as they look around your big ass room.

"why is your room so goddamn big?!" Hyungsik said as he was amazed.

"my aunt doesn't have any kids and now she's divorce so she spoils me to the max" you may have bragged a bit and eunwoo nudged you as you giggled.

"and that's not the best part," you decided to continue on, "my room is completely soundproof. I make music in here so my aunt decided to keep the noise out"

"damn. what other are there?" hyungsik said as he crossed his arms as he was impressed, "you are a spolit brat"

"if i was, you wouldn't be here" you smirked.

"she's right you know. If she was, she would be very picky where she brings you to" eunwoo joined in and hyungsik rolled his eyes. You and Eunwoo then clapped each other's hand.

"follow me" you then gestured them to follow you. Once you all were downstairs, you opened the door revealing a gym room, "and this is me and my aunt's personal gym room. I'm lazy to ride to the gym so might as well have one at home" you explained.

"what are you? Rich?"

"it's called saving money, hyungsik" you shake your head at his dumbness.

"alright, enough tour, let's get this project done and over with" eunwoo said.

"if we're productive enough, I think we'll be done in 2-3 days"

"3 days max?! He gave us 2 weeks" hyungsik frowned.

"oh don't be a baby" you said.

"with y/n, you get your shit done faster and trust me, its better than procrastinating" eunwoo said.

"is that how you always gets A's?"

"maybe" you shrugged at hyungsik's question and he sighed, "fine" the four of you then went back up to your room and started the project.

After 5 hours, the research part was all done, "do we really need all this other parts?" hyungsik complained.

"you never know when you might need it. How do you think y/n gets extra points?" eunwoo said

"welcome to business" you said as you smirked.

"I'm starting to regret being in your group" hyungsik playfully said and you replied back, "the feelings mutual"

"so we're done for the day right?" hyungsik said and you nodded, "great. Now I want to know what is this playing that you two were talking about earlier" as he look over at eunwoo and you.

"that was just me talking to eunwoo" you said as you referred back to earlier on when all of you were eating.

"if you are curious... you know how y/n's a part-time song writer right?" eunwoo said.

"what about it?"

"when the both of us are bored, we'll just play around with the music. y/n needs inspiration for her next song and maybe, just maybe, if our collab song is a masterpiece, y/n will release it"

"sweet~" hyungsik said as he nodded.

"hello, I'm back!" your aunt shouted from downstairs.

"why don't you two boys help her out? Knowing her, she'll buy a lot" you said and eunwoo replied jokingly, "yes ma'am" and hyungsik chuckled.

Once they were out, you turned to Jihyo, "everything alright?"

"hmm? Yeah, everything's fine. Why do you ask..?"

"you were just so quiet the whole time. Normally, you're very lively"

"I'm just shock that you didn't tell me you moved in with your aunt. I thought you were still living with them" Jihyo then realised what she said and slapped her, "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that!" she scolded herself mentally.

You then held onto her hands to stop her from hitting herself and she may have blushed from your touch, "its okay. You don't have to go beating yourself up..." after letting go of her, you laughed a bit, "you're still the same as ever, Jihyo..."

"I'm sorry.. it's not right for me to ask that from you when I was the one that hurted you..."

You knew you're gonna regret it and it may be wrong for you but you asked her, "do you want to be friends again?"

Jihyo's eyes went wide, "i..."

"it's okay if you don't want-"

"no!" you were shock by her raised voice, "sorry.. i mean yeah, i don't mind being friends."

you smiled at her words, "I'm glad. Here's to our new friendship" you reached out your hand to her and the both of shakes hands. Jihyo tried to read you but she couldn't. She was able to do it before but after not seeing you for so long, you had change and now she couldn't read you as easy as before.

Jihyo tried to be like you, to push everything in the past but the guilt still lingers in her head. She tried to stop thinking about by asking you questions, "so what have you been up to lately?"

"well, after we splitted, i got a job as a barista at a coffee shop and i release some songs on Spotify and tiktok that has gone quite viral so I did earn money from that"

"and so I heard" jihyo giggled and you smiled.

"what about you? I assume you are working with your dad now?"

"did Sana tell you?"

you chuckled, "she did. I remember you always refused that offer but I guess things change huh"


the both of you then stayed silent for awhile.

"can I ask you a question?" jihyo said.

"fire away"

"if we're going to leave everything in the past and start this new friendship, can I just ask what happened after I broke up with you" Jihyo said that so fast that she sounded like she was rapping.

you chuckled softly, "and how long were you holding that in for..."

"I still feel guilty that I broke up with you when you lost your unnie..."

"if I answer yours, will you answer mine?" and jihyo nodded hesitantly. You sighed, "unnie passed away and mom blamed me for her death. Dad brought me to his sister's house which is my aunt and I've been living here every since"

"so you don't keep in contact with Ms and Mr Im?"

"only Mr Im. Mrs Im still thinks I'm the reason for Nayeon's death. I would be lying if I said I didn't hate her for thinking so"

"oh, I see..."

"now, answer my question" jihyo then looked at you, "why am i one of the easiest things for you to throw away?"

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