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Jihyo was in shock by your question, "why am i one of the easiest things for you to throw away?"

"y/n. out of all the things I have. you're the easiest for me to throw away" - past Jihyo

You looked very serious and with that cold face of yours. Jihyo gulped, not knowing how to answer you. She wanted to tell you the truth but for some reason, she just couldn't.


"yo!" hyungsik said as he burst the door open, only to realise he might regret it, "sorry, am i interrupting a girls' talk?"

you averted your attention back to jihyo and you sighed before standing up and approaching hyungsik, "you were but its fine, child" you walk pass by him.

"I am not a child!" as he chased after you

"sounds like it"

Eunwoo then went in the room as he sat on the chair where y/n was sitting earlier on, "hey.. you okay? you weren't very chatty earlier and when we came, you seem downed..." eunwoo tried to be comforter.

"I'm fine"

"no, you're not. You girls always use that word and it's a trap" he said that in a slight fun way before going to back to worried mode, "it's okay to tell me but if you're not willing to then it's fine"

Jihyo just stayed quiet and he sniffed, "well, um. don't be scared to talk to either me or hyungsik. we won't bite like y/n" he chuckled nervously, "anyways, her aunt made dinner. You can join us if you'd like" and with that, eunwoo left. Jihyo stayed in the room for about a minute before leaving the room, "Jihyo?" y/n's aunt called out for her.


"come and have dinner before you leave"

Jihyo didn't want to be rude so she accepted the offer and sat down with the others as they enjoyed the food made. After they were done, "y/n can send you off" y/n's aunt suggested.

"oh, it's okay. My driver is actually waiting for me outside" Jihyo said. She placed the plate in the sink and thanked y/n's aunt for the food before leaving.

When Jihyo reach home, as she had expected, Sana was there to hug her, "so how is your project coming along?" sana asked as they walked up to their room.

"it's fine. what about you? your teamed up with Jeongyeon"

"it was okay. You could sense the awkwardness but in general, it was okay. Gotta keep it professional but it's kinda sad for Hyungjin"

"why? Because he's the only boy?"

"yeah. The three of us were talking about stuff and he just sat there in confusion. It was adorable to see"

"oh by the way, if you're going to ask me to have dinner with you, I don't think I can-"

"because y/n wants to finish it in 3 days right?"

"I guess you do know her..." jihyo mumbled.

"don't take it the wrong way, Jihyo. I was there during her changing phase when you weren't but either way, you can have dinner with me. I texted y/n and she agreed to let you go earlier. It's okay, let the boys suffer with her" and Sana winked at her.

"alright then, Sana" and Jihyo got into the showers.

Time skipped and Jihyo was going into bed with Sana, "i have something to tell you"

"is it about y/n?"

"yeah- wait-"

"I don't know what you think but you are actually easy to read. Easier to read than y/n. y/n used to be an open book but after you, she became a closed book"

"thanks for that explanation?"

"you're welcome"

Jihyo rolled as she shake her head jokingly, "anyways, me and y/n may or may not have became friends back"


"shhh don't shout"

"sorry sorry... huh?!" sana said huh with the same expression and voice but just in a very lower volume, "how?"

"we were alone in the room and she suddenly said that if we could be friends again and leave everything in the past"

"and you agreed?"


"are you that stupid?"

"who are you calling you stupid?!"

"tell me this, Jihyo, do you still have feelings for y/n? Like are the feelings strong that sometimes you can't think straight?" and Jihyo nodded while Sana facepalmed, "you two can be so dumb..." Sana sighed.

"what do you mean?" as she watch Sana look at her in disappointment and moving around, "stop being so dramatic and tell me"

sana groaned, "you know what. I'm going to let the both of you figure this out. I'm watching from the sidelines from now on"

"wait what"

and with that, Sana laid back down with her back facing Jihyo. Jihyo tried to get Sana to talk but Sana kept quiet. Jihyo pouted and also went to sleep.

The next day after school, as usual, Jihyo got on y/n's bike while hyungsik on eunwoo's bike and they all drove to y/n's house. During the ride, Jihyo had to confirm, "so are we really friends now?"

"do you really want to? Even with our history?"

"you were the one who asked to be friends and yeah, i guess we could. No harm in trying right?"

"you still haven't answer my question"

"what question?"

"don't act oblivious, Jihyo. I know you remember. You're easy to read"

"exactly what Sana said.." Jihyo sighed.


"because I could always find another lover like you" Jihyo said it bluntly but deep down, she hated herself for it, yet, she was shock how you were unfazed while you were driving.

"noted with thanks, Jihyo" it was quiet for awhile as you continued to focus on the road, "yeah, we are friends now" you said out of nowhere before continuing focus on the road.

Since Jihyo was hugging around your stomach, she didn't know what to do, so she just continued to hug you in a comfort way, "I'm sorry for causing you pain" you didn't say anything.

As the day was about to end, you offered to bring Jihyo back this time round but she refused still since her driver was picking her up. Somehow hyungsik decided to take this as an opportunity, "y/n could you give me a ride to the station? I'm meeting my grandma there before she leaves"

"why can't eunwoo take you?"

"me? I gotta go get my mom from work"

"alright fine. Let's go"

"drive safe" your aunt shouted as all three of you got onto the respective motorbike.

"so what's going on with you and eunwoo?"

"how are you talking?"

"what do you mean how am I talking?"

you then remembered you lended him an intercom for his helmet, "oh fuck. Nevermind"


"there's nothing going on between us. we're friends. Why are you so nosy?"

"hey! Eunwoo is my friend. I just wanna know"

"shouldn't he be telling you things since you're his friend" you said in a sarcastic way.

"alright alright. We became friends just yesterday. Why are you so mean?"

"well aren't you soft hearted"

"shut up but really, there's nothing going on?"

"I assure you there isn't"

"really?" hyungsik said before he mumbled, "the way he looks at you-"

"what was that?"

"huh! oh nothing" he laughed nervously but little did he knew, you heard him.

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