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In the next week, you told your aunt what had happened as she finally got you out of your room. She hugged you and you told her your next plan. You had accepted the job offer in LA and that you would be getting an apartment there. Your aunt offered to stay with you for awhile over there but you kindly refused as you said, "this is something I have to do by myself. Trust me, okay?"

You then started packing up your bag. You told Sana and she wanted to at least sent you off in their private jet. You refused but Sana insisted in which you gave in too. She even demanded that she ride with you to LA and drop you there. You giggled at her demanding you as you patted her head. She pouted and you agreed to her cuteness. However, you nor Sana didn't inform the group about your whereabouts as you decided not to. 

As you went into her private jet, you found your dad in there as well, "dad?" he didn't say anything as he approached you and hug you, "my beautiful owlette is going off on her first long flight alone. You have suffer so much and I wasn't there" he said that as he cried while you patted his back, "it's okay dad. Aunt was there through it all and I love you forever, dad. You have nothing to apologies for"

"I should have been a better dad"

"you were the best dad for me. Other dads may be giving presents to their kids but for you, you gave me love and a safe environment to grow. That's all I needed, dad" and you hugged him back. 

As you reached your destination, Sana cried as she hugged you, "promise to call me every night without fail! and don't go killing yourself!"

"I won't, Sana. Thank you"

She sniffed as she wiped away her tears, "I have two gifts for you later on. My assistant will sent it to you once you settled in"

"yes ma'am" you hugged her for the last time before you hugged your aunt. 

"you grow up so fast. Be safe and remember to always have fun. Don't let anyone bring you down, alright" as she caressed your cheek and you nodded with a smile and teary eyes. 

This was Sana's plan but she got her assistants to send you off in their car and once you were there, as you got out of the car, you realised there were another two cars behind, you thought to yourself, "oh Sana~"

A woman then approached you, "your gifts from Ms Minatozaki Sana will arrived shortly, meanwhile, please allow us to bring in your things"

"uh sure" as you lead them to your apartment. As they carried in your things, you were slowly unpacking. Halfway through, the same woman approached you, "ma'am, your gifts have arrived" as she brought you back down to the carpark. She then revealed a car and a motorcycle in which you coincidentally, received a call from yours truly, "so how do you like them? Don't worry, they aren't that expensive and the fuel payments is just right for you. hehe"

You chuckled, "thank you, Sana"

"anything for my little sister" she gave you a cheeky giggle.

A month has passed, and your two new released songs, siblings and the happiest girl was going viral. You obviously didn't forget to give Eunwoo his fair share. Your job so far was going okay and you were just settling in, just nicely. Yes, you do still get homesick but you knew this was the best for you right now. Having nit hearing you for a month, since you had left the group chat, each one of them texted you individually, asking how you were and you had a video call with all them excluding Jihyo and you told them every single details as demanded from them.

Years later, it was November and it was snowing. You still keep in touch with your family and friends from Korea and everyone has their own life. You even have more friends in LA and among everyone, some of your friends became mothers while some were still looking for love or even taken. Either way, you were happy and proud for each and every one of your friends. You even have your own pets now, 2 cats and a husky. 

You were taking a stroll with your dog since he wanted to and you met her again at a bridge. Other than those close to you, she was the only one who was kept in the dark of your life since you decided to throw and block her contact again on when she left you again. You weren't as shock to see her as you thought you would be. You were jaded at this point. 


You sighed as you tried to be nice, "hi Jihyo, how have you been?" 

"I'm alright" and she looked like as if she was avoiding a question. You knew her and you could read her easily, still the same as ever, "don't worry, we can talk. Follow me" The both of you then went to a nearby bench as you let your dog play in the snow. 

"vacation, Jihyo?"

"yeah, what about you?"

"I actually live here now"

"with your aunt?"

"nope, just alone. What about you? How are things back home?"

"I took over my dad position after he passed on"

"oh, I'm sorry to hear that. When did he left?"

"a year ago, heart attack" 

"I see. May he rest in peace then" you said it to at least be nice about it, "what about now? you married?"

"divorced. My dad got me in an arrange marriage. Once he was dead, we went through a divorce but we were alright with it"

"and why is that?"

"he didn't want an arrange marriage either and he was with already in a relationship with his boyfriend and now, our companies are still partners. It was a long plan we had"

"well good for the both of you"



"can I ask you something?"

"fire away"

"will you give us a second chance?" she looked at you while you were looking out.

"no" you said coldly, "you are the chapter that I want to forget but I can't" you sighed, " let's pretend that we never happened. I love you, Jihyo, but the shit you did. The shit you hid from me" Jihyo just kept quiet as you spoke,  "I would be lying when I say that I don't cherish the moments we had. You were my first love no doubt and it's crazy how I am still hung up on you but I'm not going to let it stop me from doing what I want"

"what are you trying to say?"

you turned to look at her, "that our relationship as lovers never happened and as your friend, I'm glad I met you and I wish you nothing but happiness, but this is the last time I hope to see you" and you walked off. She ran after you and grabbed your hand, "no, please don't leave me y/n"

you moved away your hand, "you could leave me back then, I don't see why you can't now" and you walked off. Just as how you fell to your knees back then is how Jihyo is right now. It hurts to say goodbye this way but it's better this way. 

-The End-

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