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Jihyo was happy that she finally got back together with you however for you, you were still a bit weary of her. You wanted to believe her words on the day that she told you but then again, if she could have done it back then, she could do it again. Regardless, you decided to stay with her.

Time flew on, and it was the day that the final examination result came out. The results determines if the students can move on to the next and final year. They were all nervous as they were handed out their results slips one by one by their formal teacher. The eight of them then met up in the parking lot to reveal their results. It was dumb but they wanted to do it anyway. Once everyone was there, "everyone ready?" Jeongyeon said as they all came in together in a circle.

"think positive people" Momo was freaking out but tried to keep a positive mindset.

"stop making me nervous!!" Dahyun whisper screamed. 

"alright, on the count of 3" you said as you looked at each and every one of them, "1,2..." you took a deep breath in, "3!" and everyone revealed their results as they looked at their own and they all screamed and jump in joy as they all scored high, even exceeding their expectations. 

"we should celebrate!" Mina said. 

"how about you guys go ahead first? I have a meeting to go too" Jihyo said with a small smile. 

"alright, you better come or your girlfriend is going to get mad" Dahyun teased and you chuckled softly.

"don't worry," as Sana wrapped her arm around Jihyo's, "I'll make sure she comes"

"alright then, see you later" Chaeyoung said and they all left. You kissed Jihyo by her hand, "see you later, my love"

"I've missed this" as she gave you a warm smile. 

"me too, my love" you said before she left with Sana fake gagging, "ew" and the both of them laughed. 

When Jihyo opened the car door, she was surprised to see her dad. She didn't say anything to him as she went in. As expected, "how is your result?" he asked as his attention was on his phone. 

"it was alright then"

"show mw" he demanded as he placed his phone down while reaching his hand out. Jihyo didn't say more as she passed it to him. He took one look and gave it back to her before going back to his phone, "well done. As expected from my only daughter" he said it in the most monotonous tone ever.

"dad, do you not care about me?"

"what makes you think that?"

"you don't seem proud of me" but he didn't say anything, "dad?"

"hold on, Jihyo. I'm busy"

"if you're so busy, then why are you here?"

"I just wanted to see how was your results are, oh, and since you did so well, here you go, my dear" as he passed her a present while still looking at his phone, "and I have planned a celebration party for you"

"oh, I see... but dad"


"I was actually going to celebrate it with my friends"

Her dad chuckled, "not today, Jihyo. You have an important meeting and this party is important for you to expand your connections. Friends are important, yes, but family and connections are better to get through life"

"but dad-"

"look at the reality, Jihyo"

She sighed, "yes dad"

"now opened up your present"

As she opened it up with a sad expression, it was a new iphone and a new card, "a card?"

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