backstory and a bit of info

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Hi everyone. This is not my first fanfic that I've written, maybe like 2nd or 3rd. The fanfics before this one I've deleted because of personal reasons. English is not my first language so excuse any of my mistakes. My name is Zebra Michelle and that is all you need to know about me :) I hope you enjoy this fanfic!


It's the year 1999, specifically November 25th 1999. In a small house in Rome, a family is beaming with excitement. A beautiful girl was born. Her name is Angelica.

She had gorgeous green eyes and was the most adorable baby girl the family had ever seen in their lives.

about Angelica's family and her life in general

Angelica has two older brothers: Manuel and Mattia. Her father (Franco) is a pastor at a church while his wife (Ana) is a stay-at-home mom. They are a pretty conservative family. The parents don't let their children listen to rock because they consider them too "satanic". They believe that men should be the ones working and that women should get education and a job but after 30, that they should get married and stay at home, taking care of the kids.

In their homes no gay person is allowed. They think that men who wear makeup are gay and sinners, while women who dress masculine are lesbians and need a real man to show them that they are straight.

Angelica has always had a hard time at home. Everyday, her brothers would go out to play football while she couldn't because sports aren't for girls. Sports are called "rough" and her parents always feared that she could turn into a lesbian. While her brothers were having fun, she had to stay at home and help her mom clean the house or do the laundry or wash the dishes or... 

She went to a private Christian school where she met her best friend of a lifetime, Marie. 

Marie is from the USA. Unlike Angelica, Marie could listen to any type of music, including rock. One day, after school, Angelica lied to her parents that she was going Marie's  to work on a school project but in reality she went so that she could listen to some rock. From then, that type of music scared her. It was loud and "in your face".

Angelica had always believed that her parents were right...

But were they really?

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