The Perfect Apology

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(Thursday - 4:32 PM)

Jade's POV:

Thank God Sarah has the flu. 

With the way things are going between Vega and I, there's no doubt in my mind that we'd have been fired much earlier than our second performance review due to our incompetence and inability to act like adults.

I guess the only thing we haven't messed up on is the rivalry between the campers. Granted they're nowhere near as friendly as the other teams, but at least they're not at each others' throats everyday. At least they're not hellbent on avoiding each other like my co-counsellor and I have been doing since Monday.

It's no secret that Tori's been less... passionate lately - something I'm sure everyone's picked up on. Especially since I've been horrible at making up for her lack of enthusiasm with my short-fused temper and extreme disinterest for fun.

I've been telling myself that I'm giving her space, but deep down, I know that's not true. I've never cared for boundaries before so why start now? The real and only reason I haven't constantly bothered her is because I'm too much of a coward to face her.

In another world, I could hold her without a thousand fears occupying my mind. I could attack her face with kisses and I could apologize like fifty times in fifty different ways until she gives in. I could treat her right without worrying about messing up later on. I could love her...

It's too bad that'll never happen. Definitely not now, after I'd colossally ruined whatever's left of our broken relationship. After I'd destroyed every last string of trust she may have had left for me.

Maybe this was for the best. We're competing against each other for an opportunity that isn't handed out to just anyone. It'd be too complicated. Too... difficult.

The best thing for us right now is to attain a civil relationship, pitch ourselves at the end of summer and let Sarah decide. I don't want to hate her anymore. I don't think I can after Friday.

Not really up to you anymore, dipshit.

It's not like I haven't tried to apologize. Anyone who knows me knows that Jade West never apologizes so she should consider herself lucky that she even got to witness that. Granted, it may not have been the most conventional way, but that's what makes it unique.

(Tuesday - 10:12 AM)

I'm going to do it. Just walk on over there and say you're sorry. How hard can that be? Besides, what could she possibly do in front of all these brats?

Then again, if Tori's as pissed as I think she is, I doubt that this job would be enough resistance to keep her from lunging at my neck.

Maybe, I should just grab one of these brats and use them as a human shield in case she starts, I dunno, plummeting art supplies at me.

"Chloe! Come here," I whisper-shout at the little redhead who doesn't hesitate to skip towards me. She grins, showing me her 'abstract painting of a goat'. I pretend to be super invested in it, nodding and smiling at her explanation while simultaneously leading us towards her other counsellor, standing at the sink in the back.

Vega's too busy scrubbing the messy palettes to even notice us approaching and I gulp when I catch sight of her aggressive movements.

I never thought I'd say it, but I'm actually kind of scared of her in this moment. She has been surprisingly calm and collected with the campers but even her kindness looks dangerous enough to kill nowadays.

Yeah, no. Change of plans. 

Making a swift U-turn, I grab Kevin's paint palette from the front of his table.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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