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Tw for all chapters: Abuse, Manipulation, Violence, Language, Weapons, Gangs, Blood, Self harm, and Suicide. If you are uncomfortable with any of these topics please click off. Have a great day!

Authors note: This takes place a year and a half prior to Chuuya joining the Port Mafia This means that all characters are 14 until birthdays are mentioned! I will not be writing smut since these are minor characters. I may write it in future chapters when characters are of age. As of now it is not happening. Thank you for understanding! Love you all! <3
-Onyx (They/Them)

I look at the glass in my hand and the bottle beside me almost empty. I shake the glass in my hand slightly, Watching the alcohol swish from side to side. It looks like waves at the beach just washed in melancholy.

Zoning out in this beautiful sorrow of my thoughts I hear the door to my room open. The keys jingling ever so softly. The boy I have fallen in love with, who's also happens to be my roommate, slowly turns the corner of the hallway leading to the kitchen. My body is slouched over the marble counter tops while my hand on the other hand is entwined with a glass of wine.

"What the actual hell is going on right now," The boy with the ginger hair says worried tone. A sorrow expression covers his face but it's masked with anger as well. His eyebrows furrow.

As his blue eyes look at me with sympathy he speaks up, "God... Y/N, You're fourteen. We're fourteen. You don't need to be drinking dammit." He tries to grab the glass from me but I move my hand away from him.

"Talk to me," He says softly as he wraps his arms around me. His hands gently brushing my hair.

"Chuuya.. Can you promise me something," I ask in a slightly shakey voice. I look at him with eyes that are numb, yet so emotional. I can't live without him... Yet, I have to leave or else he's at risk. As well as the rest of the sheep.

"What? I mean sure but I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

"Promise me you'll find me. I'm unable to explain any fur-" Nakahara interrupts me. His body language changing from concerned to angry quickly.

"This is pissing me the fuck off. I don't understand you're bullshit right now. I don't understand why you can't be honest with me. We've known each other since we were young. I care about you dammit, " He says as his hands wrap up tightly, His nails pushing into his skin. Blood drops to the floor in sync with the apathetic tears that flow from my eyes.

"Chuuya..." My hand trying to grab his hand. As I feel my fingers entwine with his, he yanks his hand away and puts it in his pocket.

"Stop," He says and looks at the marble floors. He notices every spot, every slight imperfection, he's trying to make sure he doesn't have an outburst.

"God just fucking listen," I say a bit louder yet my words slur together due to the unhealthy amount of alcohol I consumed.

"Then fucking explain why you're acting like you're about to abandon me," He says looking up at me matching his sapphire eyes with my E/C eyes.

"I can't. I was given direct orders to not say a word. This is as much as I can tell y-"

I get interrupted by the sound of a slam. Chuuyas hand broke through the wall. I watch him remove his hand from the wall, It's soaked in blood.

"Why the hell are you following orders? You're part of the sheep. We don't respect authority. You know what, If you're going to leave there is the fucking door. I'm done," He says and begins to walk away.

I desperately grab his arm and speak up, "Do you promise? That's all I need to know. "

"Fine, I fucking promise. Get off of me," He responds and shoves me off of him.

I make my way towards the white door and breathe deeply before walking out.

I whisper softly as I close the door, "I love you Chuuya."

Word Count: 644

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