chapter 2

526 19 16

Warning: homophobia slurs, during this time gay people weren't popular nor normal as it was in the 1900s.

December, 4th
Friday, 7:30AM

M/n as he got up out of bed he got ready and left by 7:40, wearing Vance's jacket he hid a smile as he saw him waiting. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty." Vance said as m/n ran over and got on the motorcycle. Chin on vance shoulder arms wrapped around him.

"Oh shut up shit head." M/n replied. As they made there way to 'hell'. Walking in together m/n was disappointed when they had to part. "Later babe, love you." M/n jokes as he turned the corner quickly parting.

He joked like that all the time with the nickname and jokes like 'love you to'or 'you know you love me'but never actually said 'love you' or 'i love you'. Holding the jacket close to him he went to his first hell lesson, math.

Once the damn class was finally over he started his way to chemistry. "Hey m/n isn't that Vance's jacket." Asked someone he didn't know, other then he was a jock wannabe bad boy.

"What it to you?" M/n hissed back at him with a glare.

"Nothing just didn't know you where a fag!" He laughed pointing. M/n cracking his knuckles took a step to him and without a warming sent a powerful blow right to his face.

Math pissed him off enough, let alone this asshole. And then the fight broke out. Only being stopped when a teacher had to literally pull m/n off of him. M/n was ruffled up, not nearly as bad as the other guy though.

He would definitely feel that tomorrow. "L/n! Office now!" The teacher hissed helping Jack, the jock, up off the floor. Making his way down the now empty hall to the principal office once again.

Sitting down she sighed looking at him. "Thought you where doing better m/n. First time this week you been down." She said looking annoyed and disappointed.

M/n didn't say anything, seemed to upset her more. Him never caring. "Expelled. Your Expelled. Get out of my office, i already called your brother." She said pointing to the door where a officer was waiting. Taking him out to the parking lot where his brother was waiting.

Once the officer let him go m/n got in the passengers side of the truck, looking out the window as Alan, his brother, started to talk.

"Really?" He asked sounding pissed. "Your lucky I'm the boss, or i could of gotten in trouble." He hissed clearly pissed.

"I'm done! I swear im done!"

"He called me a fag." M/n whispered holding the jacket.

"Well are you!?"

"Oh shut the fuck up alan. You act all high and mighty. When your a fucking loser."  M/n said still calmly but angered.


"PULL THE FUCK OVER NOW!" M/n yelled looking pissed. Startled Alan slammed on the breaks jolting to a stop looking at his little brother shocked.

Without a second thought m/n got out of the car walking away without looking back. It took a second but Alan drove off back to work. M/n went to the gas station where him and Vance always where playing that stupid game.

Walking in he went to the pinball machine and started a game for himself to play.

Meanwhile at school, the word spread fast. Like wild fire, didn't take long for Vance to hear. And he was pissed the fuck off. Right after school he found that jackass and finsihed the job. Before making his way to the convenient store.

He'd look there first before anything else. Parking he looked in the window, a small smile once he saw the familiar h/c h/l hair at the pinball machine.

Walking in he went over behind him. Seeing as m/n hasn't realised of Vance's presence, vance waited. Once m/n lost he snuck closer to him. "Boo!" Vance yelled ad m/n turned round about to punch him, but he fought his fist.

"Jesus vance." M/n rolled his eyes.

"What a sight for sore eyes." Vance said glancing at the lost game looking away from m/n. Taking turns playing for a while into the two left.

The two getting on the motorcycle and driving to m/n house. "Comin' in?" M/n asked once getting off.

"Why not. Anyone home?" He asked parking correctly following behind m/n. "No, older three are at work still, and MJ is at his friends into Danny picks him up." M/n said unlocking the door allowing vance to come in before closing it.

The l/n home was a comfy one, and rather clean even if it was five boys in a house. Those five being m/n three older brothers and younger brother. Alan, William, Danny, m/n, then MJ.

Going to the kitchen m/n got his favorite snack and Vance's. "My room?" He asked and Vance nodded looking away from a family photo. Following m/n up the stairs, and to the right. First door on the left was m/ns bedroom.

It was (description). Which was just how you would imagine m/n to have a room.   M/n had a few photos special on display. So as m/n laid on his bed vance looked at them. A lot was of himself and m/n, a family photo of all the brothers, then one with m/n as a kid being picked up by danny. And one newer one of m/n picking danny up.

"Guess im your favorite." Vance said flopping down next to him.

"You wish, toots."

"Toots?" He questioned. "Thats new."

"It just came to me. Must be the work of god." M/n joked turning to look at vance only to see vance was already looking at him.

"I'm gonna sound like a bitch. But. You have fucking beautiful eyes." Vance said looking at then."Brighter then the blue skys."

"Aww you got a crush on me." M/n teased turning to look at him. Before vance could say anything the front door slammed open.

"HONEY I'M HOME!" a me voice yelled making n/n snicker.

"Guess you can finally meet the family. Or well some of it." M/n said taking vance down stairs. Even if they been friends for a long time vance never actually met his brothers.

Walking down the stairs he saw a tall muscular guy that looked just like m/n but older, around his 20s. That was Danny. "Hey danny!" M/n said with a slight smile.

"Hey mini me!" Danny said smiling brightly ruffling m/ns hair before looking at vance. "Whats this? Girlfriend? Friend with benefits? Wife?" Danny joked.

"Vance my," m/n tried to say but danny cut him off walking to vance with his arms open.

"So your girlfriend boyfriend! I heard a lot about you!" Danny said turning to hug Vance who awkwardly went to m/n, not walking to start anything with his older brother.

"Shut up danny, I'll be home later at some point. Love you." M/n said pushing vance out the door.

"I love you!" Danny dramatic yelled back ad m/n left.

"Im sorry he's a embarrassment." M/n said and vance burst out laughing. Getting him a hard punch to the arm.

3rd Of December {Vance X Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now