chapter 3

508 17 7

December, 4th
Friday 5:01PM

Walking around town causing trouble was the best. And it made m/n happier then anything. To be next to vance doing something that made then both happy.

He could only hope that Vance was to, and he was sure when he would see the smile he grown to love over the years.

The smile that may be small was so much. The small light in his eyes, with the hint of happiness. His beautiful blue eyes, his lovely smile.

His daring nature, his boldness. How he was cold and violent. Yet loving and considerate. He was so many things. But that's what made him him. Its what made vance vance. Its what m/n loved, his whole being.

As the two walked around they stopped at a coffee shop. M/n paid for both with a knowing smirk. "One mint hot chocolate please." M/n said.

"Make that two." Vance said placing his order as well.

"Right away, 5$ sir." The cashier said as    m/n gave her the money. Once they got there drinks they left. A chilling breeze blew and m/n shivered slightly bringing vance jacket closer.

Since he has gotten it he's always wore it. Vance hasn't said anything to make him not want to, or hint he wants it back so m/n hasn't given it back. And even if he did he would hate to.

"She's kinda cute, wonder if she's single." Vance said making m/n snap his head over.

Alice Fight. She was a beautiful girl, had practically every boy wrapped around her finger. And to m/n Vance's words now showed a terrible truth to him.

Vance was one of them.

Others girls no worries for m/n..but her. Sure m/n would say he's good looking but to her?

'I'm not even half as pretty.' He thought to himself. Watching vance watch her go by he could of let a cry there and then.

'She's got you memorized.' He thought. 'While i die..'with a heavy sigh he almost broke his cup and clanging his fists but stopped himself.

"I have to go home. MJ he uh..needs help with homework i promised." M/n said as he quickly walked off. Throwing his drink away he started to run his way home.

Slamming the door to his house open he saw William helping MJ with his homework, as he always did. M/n lied of course he never helped MJ with homework, 1 he didn't care. 2 William always did.

"Wheres danny?" He managed to say as he started to cry slightly.

"Kitchen" William said once looking up he looked shocked. "What happened?!" He said but m/n already ran off.

Into the kitchen he saw the familiar long tied up h/c hair of Danny. Running to him he hugged him tightly.

Always vance that did this. No one else could make him feel lile this. No one else could make him so vulnerable. So weak.

"Hey! Woah! M/n? What happened? Was it alan? I swear he's so immature." Danny mumbles the past part turning around.

Each brother hugging the other, danny took m/n to his room telling William to watch dinner cooking.

Meanwhile while vance watched his friend run off he had one thought in his mind that made him frown.

3rd Of December {Vance X Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now