chapter 5

536 24 11

December 5th
Saturday 9:00AM

M/n who was happy to sleep in, sadly can't as the sound of his door slamming open, brothers screaming, and someone else picking him up. Didn't feel like any of this brothers but it was a familiar feeling. A nice one.

Still half asleep from just being awoken,  m/n didn't feel like opening his eyes. But he could hear clearly.

"Get him!" That was William.

"HE'S THE ONE CORRUPTING OUR BABY BROTHER!!" Alan. He wasn't pissed off, but not to happy.

"Yeah!" MJ, he sounded confused on everything. And he was, he just wanted to help.

"ALAN NO! RUN VANCE I CAN'T HOLD THEM OFF!!" that was danny. 'Hold off alan and William? Wait vance-?' M/n thought opening his eyes. Slowly but surely he open his eyes.

He was in fact being carried by vance, who os running from Alan, William, and MJ. Danny was desperately running after them as well.

Vance slammed out the door and started to run down the street. What a sight to see.

M/n barely dressed thrown over Vance's shoulder running down the sidewalk of their town. Three grown men running after them with a 10 year old.(i don't think i ever made a age for MJ) MJ in his duck pjs. Alan with a pink 'kiss the cook' apron. William running after them to. Danny behind them shouting for them to stop.

Meanwhile they are shouting for vance to 'get back here with their sweet baby brother' big brother for MJ.

Yup what a sight to see.

"Vance what-"

"I'm kidnapping you." Vance said.

" nice. . . .did you break into my house?" M/n asked. Trying to see why all his brothers are this wilded up.

"Kinda." M/n merely nodded to himself waving sheepishly at his brothers.

"Vance..I'm not really dressed where are we going."

"My house." He said taking a sharp right turn. "Ill give you my clothes." Vance said slowing slightly to switch m/n into holding him bridle style.

Picking up full speed again while m/n wrapped his hands around Vance's neck. "They'll break in." M/n said with a small smile.

"Do they know where i live?"


"Then we just have to lose them first." M/n was confused, until vance ran past his house, that way was the woods. He's going to go in to the bridge, then run to the left where the old park is.

Then he's going to run out and loop to his house. Or better yet he would want to get there faster. So he parked his motorcycle at the park.

They are on foot and behind us so he'll get there before them. "Sly fox." M/n smirked. Seeing his brothers behind him he gave vance a small kiss on the check. Alan is the oldest.

He's the leader, they'll follow him without realizing it. But his down fall is that he won't think is he's angry enough. And he's almost there all he needed was a little push to make his mind not think much.

M/n to focused on beating his brothers didn't see vance redden face, or him now running faster.

As they round the old bridge m/n was right. Not in view of his brothers vance made a sharp turn to the park. Trying to hide behind the trees the best he could.

Getting the park they not on Vance's motorcycle and made the way back to his house. A simple mission. Completed.

Arriving to Vance house he parked his motorcycle out of veiw. Picking m/n back up he ran to his room. Closing the door, vance jumped on the bed with m/n.

"Your awfully. . .affectionate." m/n said. "What do you want?"

"What's with your mood yesterday was my joke that bad?"

"Joke? What joke?"

"About her being single, cuz ya know she's a whore?" M/n jumping up turned to vance.

"So you dont like her!?" He asked with a smile.

"Hell no."

"I have a chance!" M/n said before covering his mouth and falling off the bed.

"Ew you like her?" Vance asked looking over the side of the bed.

Feeling his face heat up m/n wouldnt even lie about liking her to safe his secret. "No not her but someone else i do like." He said dragging the words a little after 'but'

"Ugh a guessing game. Do i know them?"

"Yup." M/n said getting up and hoping over vance to lay on the bed beside him.

"Do i know them well?"

"More then anyone."

"Then anyone?" He said thinking about it before giving a smirk leaning over m/n. "Is it me~"

"Maybe." M/n said opening one of his eyes.

"Maybe? Well maybe a i like someone to."

"My turn now? Do i get a hint."

"Their a annoying dumbass."

"Mr. Harper?"

"No there last name is l/n." With a dramatic  gasp m/n turned to look at vance trying to hide his smile as he painfully looked hurt.

"You like alan!"

"Why you." Vance said as he tackled m/n. "You dick i should strangle you." He playfully threatened as m/n laughed.

"Ok ok. Is this person m/n l/n?"

"Yeah he's pretty badass, soon of seen that one dude he beat up. Or the other one. Or those two that tried to jump him. Or-"

"I get it i beat up a good many but so have you jerk!" M/n said tackling him back.

Ending up on the floor in a laughing mess. M/n smiled as he gave in and gave vance a soft kiss on the lips that was happily given back.

"Badasses to the end?" m/n asked.

"Hell yeah." Vance said giving him another kiss.

I still remember the third of December me in your sweater
You said it looked better on me than it did you

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