Where the Fuck are we?

34 2 9

Warnings: None

Travis' POV:

"Sal, dude, I don't think that that's normal" Larry says as he points to the Gearboy in Sal's hands, that was now shaking uncontrollably and emitting a bright blue light.

"Me neither" He says as he tries to not drop it.

Suddenly the Gearboy flies out of his hand and slams into the wall in front of us, leaving a small hole in the wall that quickly started growing.

"Sal, my man, I don't think that you should touch that" Travis says, but Sal ignores Larry's idea and walks closer to the wall.

"Sal I think Larry's correct, I think we should leave this alone" Ash says.

"Guys we've gone through a lot already, why not uncover more about this building?" He asks us, "You guys can stay, but i'm going in." 
He steps into the wall.

"Fuck man. I don't want to leave him behind." Larry says as he walks to the wall, "You guys coming?"

"I'm coming" Ash says,

"Same" Tod agrees,

I take a deep breath before walking to the wall with them as we all enter one by one.

As soon as I take a step inside everything goes black.
And I don't mean that I passed out, I mean the area around me literally turned black and we were all falling.
I could see the ground below us rushing closer and closer.

Suddenly we all are just laying on the ground.

"What the fuck just happened." Larry says as he lays on the ground, 

"Where are we" Sal asks as he sits up and looks around.
I sit up as well and look around.

"It looks like we are on Main ST." I say,

"This is definitely not the apartments" Ash says,

"Definitely not" I say, "Maybe we can ask somebody where we are."

Mike's POV:

"What kind of gate is that." Will asks as he points to a gaping hole in the ground which looks almost exactly like a gate to the Upside down but blue.

"Should we enter?" Dustin asks,

"What?! No way" I yell "That could be dangerous! Just remember everything that those gates have led us to, and how none of it was good."

"But if we didn't go through the gates then Hawkins would be dead by now." Max adds.
I hesitate before agreeing with them and standing in front of the gate.

"So who's going first?" Lucas asks.

"I will" El says as she sits on the edge and carefully drops herself in.

"I'm going next" Steve says as he drops down right behind El,
Will goes next, then Dustin, Lucas, Max and finally me.

Instead of falling like I expected, as soon as my entire body was through the gate I was standing.
We were on a road next to a building labeled 'Derry High School' with a big sign out front saying 

7 P.M.

"Why do they have a curfew?" Max asks

"Who knows" I say


Words: 456

Authors Note: Hey!
Sorry that this is a short-ish chapter, I just prefer leaving it off right here.
But I hope you enjoyed it.

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