Who the Fuck are you?

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Richie's POV:

"Fuck you Asshole" Eddie says giving me a glare because of the joke I just made, "You need to shut the fuck up"

"Your words have wounded me my dearest Eds"

"Shut the Fuck up Asshole, and don't call me that." He says as he turns away.

"Shut up" Stan says as we turn the corner, "Nobody wants to listen to you fight."

"Wait, guys,  who's that?" Bev asks as we turn the corner and she spots a group of kids that we have never seen before.

There are 5 kids.
All around 17-18.

"I think we should go talk to them" Bev says as she starts to walk over.

"Wait Bev!" Mike calls out, "We don't know if they are nice or not. They might be like the Bowers gang."

"But we don't know until we talk to them, Right?" she says as she turns to face him.

"I guess"

"I'm with Bev on this. We should go talk to them, then if they are like the Bowers gang then we stay away." I say as I walk over next to Bev.

"I guess that's true. I'll go with you" Eddie says as he walks to my side.

"Fine" Mike says as he finally agrees.

"I don't know" Stan says hesitantly

"C-come on s-Stan, it'l be o-okay" Bill says as he walks over to join us,

"I- Fine" He says walking over to Bill's side.

We all walk over to the group of teens.

Larry's POV:

"Guys, who are they" Travis says as he points to a group of 7 kids, all around 12 to 13
They are all walking towards us.

"Why don't we ask them where we are." I say as I watch them walk up to us,

"I don't know if that's the best idea..." Ash begins, but Sal is already talking to them.

Sal's POV:

"Hey, my names Sal, what's yours?" I ask as I approach the group of kids.

"Hi, my names Beverly." The girl says as she walks up to me, "I haven't seen you around here, are you new to town?"

"Umm, not necessarily." I begin "Me and my friends have no idea where we are, do you think you can help up?"

"Oh, of course." She says,

"Thank you." I say
She gives a slight nod before turning to the rest of her friends and waving them over.

She turns back to me.

"Would you like to come with us to the quarry?" She asks as her group joins her, "We were just about to head over there, we can talk there too."

"Sure why not, i'm sure that would be no problem for us." I say as she smiles up at me, "Guys, come on!"

"What? We're leaving?" Travis asks as he walks up to me with the rest of the group.

I nod.

Time Jump
(At the Quarry)

"Welcome to the Quarry" Beverly says as she sits down on a rock, "Pick your rock, have a seat, we can talk now."

We sit down an rocks so we can talk.

"Do  you guys want anything to eat or drink?" She asks

I turn to the group and most of them nod.

"Sure" I say as I turn back to Beverly.

"Hey Trashmouth!! Run to the store and grab a few drinks!!" She yells to the boy in glasses.

"No! What am I? A delivery boy?" He asks as he walks over to Beverly.

"Bring Eddie with you or something, we need drinks, get something for yourself." She scolds as The boy sighs.

"Fuck you Bevvy" He says as he walks away.

"Eds!! Lets go!!" He yells to a boy with a fanny pack.

"Where?" The boys asks.

"Store" Glasses boy says.

They both walk away going down the trail back to the town.

"So, welcome to Derry." Beverly says.

Richie's POV:

I stand by the counter as Eddie pays and gets a refill of his medication.

I grab a pack of cigarettes for me and Bev to share as the dude at the counter  turns around.

"Hey Rich, that guy looks kinda like you." Eddie says as he points out the window.

I look out to where he's pointing and find out that he is exactly correct.
There is a group of seven people standing outside, and one of them looks exactly like me just without glasses.

"Holy Shit, you're correct" I say as I stuff the pack of cigarettes in my pocket before Eddie sees them.

"I'm going to go say hi." I say as a dart outside.

"Hey, you need to help me carry all this Shit!!" I hear Eddie yell as I run outside, but I ignore him,. I want to see who these new people are.


Words: 733

Authors Note: Super creative and meaningful authors note.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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