Closer to Home

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"You know, I hate hiking as a hobby. Yet, when you are trying to keep yourself alive, not so bad." Danny voiced as they followed a path. Mirana knew the path would loop back to rabbit hole. Cutting through the woods was too dangerous. The animals there care not for intruders.

"That is a way to stay motivated." Mirana laughed. She had not laugh so much in years. Danny made her laugh. As they walked, he spoke about his world. It all sounded so fantastic. The devices that connected him to his best friend, Arny. The events that he portrayed characters at. The camaraderie he had with his companions. He tried to explain the whole Tik Tok and YouTube aspect of his life.

"Think of it as a moving picture of me, talking, and you hold it in your hand with this" Danny pulled out his cellphone and handed it to her. Mirana looked over the device. It was weightless and small. This could connect people across the world.

"So, you make entertainment for people you do not know, may never met for the enjoyment?" Mirana asked giving it back. She wished that it could work in her world. She wanted to see the things called videos.

"Yea. I like doing it for myself too. Expressing oneself can be a great form of therapy." Danny shared while slipping the phone back in his cargo pocket. Since it had a button closure, he felt better for it to be there if they had to run away from soldiers.

"Tarrant was brilliant at expressing himself." Mirana expressed, smiling. The smile faded, thinking about she could never see him again.

Danny reached out and squeezed her hand. "He probably would have a gazillion followers. I bet he was great at voices." Danny tried to get her to remember better times.

"The best. He had a range of voices. I love to hear him go from complete mad to so serious." Mirana smiled again.

"Could he do accents?" Danny asked. He would have like Tarrant.

"Accents? A bit. Can you do accents?" Mirana was curious.

"Why, yes darling, I can." Danny slipped into his British Gentleman from the 1800's voice. He expected Mirana to laugh, but she did not. She simply looked at Danny. Her eyes shifted about after a moment. She rose her eyebrow and tilted her head a bit, like she was trying to form a thought.

"That that was very good. Let's keep going. There is a bridge ahead." Mirana seemed flustered while starting to walk.

"Mirana, that is the direction we just came from." Danny called out to her.

Mirana turned and looked about. She corrected herself and started walking again. She could not believe that a voice could make her feel like she just melted into a puddle. Mirana was fighting a tingle sensation all over her body. It was bad enough that she would get weak knee at the sight of Danny at times, but this was so much worst and so good at the same time.

The bridge Mirana spoke about was a rope and wood plank contraption. It looked to be in good repair. Danny started out first, testing the planks. Some were a bit sus; the others were good. They were halfway across the huge expansion when a shrill noise came from above.

"Jubjub Bird!" Mirana screamed, ducking away from its talons. The creature was making passes at the bridge, shaking to so much that Danny and Mirana could only hold on for dear life. Bird snapped its beak at them, snagging the ropes as they move out of the way in time. At one pass, the talon ripped at the fabric of Mirana's shirt, giving her a nasty cut on her back.

Hearing Mirana cry out in pain, pissed Danny off more than he thought possible. Danny pulled the sword form his belt. Looping his other arm in the rope, he waited for the beast to fly back at them.

"Come here, you Kentucky Fried Motherfucker!" Danny yelled. The Jubjub Bird made another pass at the bridge. As the creature passed over, Danny shoved the sharp sword deep into the middle of its body. The sword cut open the Jubjub from the bottom of the sternum to its pelvis. The great bird flew over the river, its guts spilling into the water. The wings began to falter as the creature was losing blood. The Jubjub Bird crashed onto the large, jagged rocks that sat in the river. Its body stay there for a moment or two before the current carried it away.

Danny and Mirana sat on the bridge, watching the great beast disappeared out of sight. They turned to another. Mirana started to giggle which made Danny laugh. The laughter stopped when they heard the ripping of the rope. They looked in time to see the top rope break, pitching them both into the river below.

Danny broke the surface. He looked around, fighting against to current to find Mirana. She was in front of him, fighting the current to reach him. Danny watch as she was tossed against the rocks hard, knocking her unconscious. He swam as fast as he could. After a few failed attempts, Danny managed to grab her arm. Floating on his back, he pulled Mirana on his chest to keep her head above water. There was nothing to grab ahold and the walls were too steep to climb up while carrying her.

They floated down the river for a while. There was a fork where the river split unevenly. Calming waters were on the right. Danny pulled them out of the line of the stronger, faster moving waters. As they passed into the calmer waters, Danny saw the body for Jubjub Bird being slammed into sharper rocks, tearing the thing apart. Good riddance.

The calm waters washed by a small beach. Danny was able to carry Mirana out of the water. Resting her on the beach, Danny performed CPR for she was not breathing. While he was doing the compressions, he was begging her to come back.

"Please, open your eyes, Mirana. Please." Danny pleaded with her. A gurgling sound was made in her throat, water started to pool out. Danny rolled her on her side, and she began to cough. Mirana rolled to her back. Opening her eyes, she could see Danny's face. She reached and caressed his cheek.

"My champion." She spoke. Danny smiled. He pulled her up into a seated position and hug her. Danny went to stroke for her cheek, but his hands were black. "The stain in my hair. It comes out in water." Mirana said, trying to stand up. Danny helped her.

They lost her bag and the sword. The 'Eat Me' cake was a wet mush mess. Only the vital and key remain intact. Danny felt for his phone, it was there and probably water damage. He did not care. The most important thing was in front of him, currently soaked to the bone.

Danny wiped his hands off. Before they could see where they were at, a thunderclap scared them. A storm was brewing and coming for them.

Danny took Mirana 's hand and hurried from the beach. Once they crested the riverbank, the land opened to a huge open field. In the distance, there was a huge white stone gateway.

"I cannot believe we are here." Mirana uttered with such surprise in her voice. Tears started rolled down her face.

"Where are we?" Danny asked. The dark clouds were moving in fast. They had to find shelter soon.

Mirana looked up at him. "Home."

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