Chapter 1: The Crystalling - Part 1

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

There are times when we may all wonder why some people or ponies look up to each other. Like how Star Swirl The Bearded inspired my girlfriend, Twilight Sparkle or how another one of my girlfriends Pinkie Pie inspired Cheese Sandwich. I know everybody has their inspiration for everything and so do I as you've all seen me talk about my mother pretty much everywhere that I can at least mention her now. Everypony knows how legendary she really is and I'm no exception. Truth is though, she was the one who inspired me to become a hero that protects others. You're probably wondering how is that possible since back on Earth, I had to keep myself as hidden as possible. No one's perfect at doing so and my mother is no exception. In fact, when I was just getting out of my toddler age, she started bringing me outside for more fresh air. As any little mischievous or curious kid though, I was pretty active even for a naive little child. . . However, I didn't know anything about defending myself from others who would want to even harm me. Heck, I didn't even know there were bad guys as a young child.

Earth, 12 years before I went to Equestria. . .

You definitely wouldn't expect five year old me to know much at all. It's daytime out in the town and like any parent, my mother knows that being this young means that she must keep an eye on me at all costs, so she took me every time she went outside, but she would always make me wear a hoodie in order to hide my horn and wings. We are both currently strolling together on a sidewalk as my mother held a firm grip on my hand.

As we were both walking, I looked to the side and spotted a lonely little playground with no one around which made me get a little excited as I looked up at my mother and started pulling her hand to get her attention as she looked back down at me.

(M/N): Huh? What is it, (Y/N)?

Young (Y/N): Mommy, can I go pway, pwease?

(M/N): Play where? I don't see anything nearby.

Young (Y/N): There's a pwayground wight over there over there and I don't see any other kids awound.

I point over in the direction of the playground as my mother follows my gaze over at the small place in the park. She raises an eyebrow from this and looks around before seeing that there weren't really a lot of people or children around the park either. She contemplates about this for a second before she sighs and gives me a small smile.

(M/N): *sighs* Okay, but only for a little bit as we're only outside for just a quick outing. I still need to get us some food before we need to head home.

Young (Y/N): (Y/N) wants to go on an ooting by himself and help Mommy out too.

My mother just rolls her eyes from this before she smiles and pats my head.

(M/N): Yeah, I don't think so. Not anytime soon, son. Now go on. Go play before I change my mind.

I got a big grin from this before I ran off on my own to play on this little playground. As my mother watches me run towards the playground to go and play by myself, she just sighs and smiles before she walks over to a nearby bench facing the playground and she takes a seat to watch over me.

She kept a watchful eye on me with her arms crossed as I did many things on the playground like go on the slide, play on the monkey bars, even climb to the top of the fake mountain. When I was at the top of the mountain, I looked over at my mother and waved to her with a bright smile.

Young (Y/N): Mommy look! I'm so much higher and taller than you now!

(M/N): *chuckles* Yes. . . I see that, (Y/N). Be careful and don't hurt yourself.

MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 6)Where stories live. Discover now