Chapter 10: Flutter Brutter

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It's a bright noon in Ponyville as inside of the Castle of Friendship, (Y/N) was still working whatever he was up to as he had on his welding mask and using his horn as a blowtorch for whatever he's making. He's been on this strange invention for months ever since the aftermath of the event of the Crystalling and he strives to finish it as soon as possible. He takes off the mask before looking at his handiwork as he levitates up a large piece of metal that was in the shape of a hoof.

(Y/N): Finally! The fourth piece is done. . . Now I just need to build the bodysuit, find out how I can make a magic source, and it'll be ready for combat in no time. . . well, it depends on how "she" does first.

He levitates up for other strange looking pieces of metal before walking over towards a table that had blueprints and loads of titanium on it which made him smile.

(Y/N): Luckily, I had Twi create the design of these blueprints for me, so I wouldn't just blindly make this without having any idea of what I'm doing. I'll need to ask Tia on how she used magic on my armor.

Suddenly, the sound of a door knocking caught his attention as he turned around with some surprise.

(Y/N): Oh, uh, come in.

Hearing that they were allowed to let themselves in, the pony that walked through the door was Fluttershy as she walks inside.

Fluttershy: Hello, (Y/N).

She then notices all of the equipment that he had out as she gets a small look of concern.

Fluttershy: Oh, my, I didn't come here at a bad time, did I? You look really busy.

(Y/N): *chuckles* No worries, Flutters. I actually just got done with what I wanted to do for today. Is there something you need?

Fluttershy shakes her head with a smile.

Fluttershy: It's nothing serious. I was just wondering if you would like to come with me to see my parents. I've been so busy with the animals lately that sometimes the thought of them just happens to slip my mind. Rainbow Dash is coming too since she said that work at the Wonderbolts has been a little bit stressful for her lately.

(Y/N): Dang, that bad? I hope Spitfire isn't working her and the other bolts too hard. Last thing that we need is another incident to where a pony ends up in the hospital. Actually, now that you mention Rainbow Dash, you too were friends in childhood, right?

Fluttershy: *nods* That's right. Even out of our camp as foals, we would often see each other sometime. . . Although back then. . . I remember that I could almost not speak a full sentence out loud to her.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Well, you've gotten a lot more assertive throughout the years of growing up and while you're still not perfect at it, you're still my cute little butterfly that I know and love, Flutters.

Fluttershy shyly smiles and blushes from this as (Y/N) pecks her on the forehead which made her let out a quiet giggle.

Fluttershy: Th-Thank you, (N/N). You're so sweet.

(Y/N): *winks* And don't I know it. Come on, let's not keep your parents, or heck even Dash, waiting much longer.

He says this as he levitates the four hoof-shaped pieces of metal into a drawer and closes it and Fluttershy just saw them with a little bit of curiosity in her eyes.

Fluttershy: What is all of that, (Y/N)?

(Y/N) turns back to Fluttershy with a smirk.

(Y/N): Let's just say. . . I'm preparing a surprise for somepony and leave at that, alright Flutters?

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