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NOTTI... Woke up with an throbbing head, he groaned as he sat hisself up, "Shit." He said before looking down beside him to see a smooch, some girl he met last night named DESIRE, He punched her in her back which caused her to groan and wake up.

"Get the fuck out my bed bitch." Notti said, "Nigga fuck you!" The girl yelled putting on her clothes, "Fuck you too the fuck, Your pussy was hella dry anyway. Shit was nasty and grey." Notti said disgusted. The girl rolled her eyes at him as she was fully dressed.

Notti wasn't lying, if anything he only enjoyed the head she gave him. The girl grabbed her phone as she walked out his room slamming his door behind her, Desire was probably the biggest smooch anybody would know, she'd give it up to anybody.

The fact is Notti had no idea that was the same girl that gave it up to DD lastnight too, He grabbed the pills that were on the side of his bed and took them. He'd always drink and go to sleep and wake up with an throbbing headache.

Notti put on his black jeans with his blue and white Jordan 3's, and a blue Nike jacket. He left his twist in a bun as he grabbed his glock placing it into his pants. "Yo Notti, we gotta drive to Manhattan." DD said, Notti grabbed his phone walking out his room.

"Where that big booty thot Tamara live?" Notti asked as Jstar and DD laughed, "Yo is he serious right now? Nigga can not live without some pussy." Jstar said. "Hell yeah." Notti said shrugging his shoulders. "Anyways, what we gotta go down to Manhattan for?" Notti asked.

"To go pick these drugs up." Jstar said, Notti and his brother drug deal. Of course they make money from music but it's always ok to have a little extra cash on the side. "Alright, bet that up." Notti said. "Let's roll." Jstar said as they all got into the car.

FINALLY AS THEY MADE IT TO MANHATTAN, They got out the car. "Manhattan ugly as fuck." DD said, "Don't do that." Notti responded as the two teen boys laughed, Notti tucked his hands into the pockets of his blue jacket. "It's cold as fuck." Notti complained.

"Nigga you don't like nothing but, drugs, pussy and money." DD mugged him, "Hop off my dick." Notti responded, DD flipped him off. "Ah, My fasters." Kiko their connected said, "The fuck are fasters?" Notti said, "Y'all sell my drugs fast and make my money fast." Kiko responded.

Notti shrugged his shoulders not caring about what the hell he was saying, "And you better pay us fast, the fuck." DD said, Causing Notti to chuckle, "Calm down, here." Kiko said before handing them a black bag full of drugs, Notti grabbed it before opening it.

He sighed as he zipped it back up, Back to the hood life. "Alright bro, we'll sell it and get you your money." Jstar said, "Thank you." Kiko said before the boys walked out, "Yo, don't fuck up like Roscoe did. He smoked his own shit and Kiko almost killed his ass." Jstar said.

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