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AALIYAH ... sat at the edge of the bed thinking on whether or not to text Notti on instagram inviting him to the party, But she thought it'd be a horrible idea. She sighed as she sat her phone down beside her. "I really shouldn't do this." Aaliyah said.

She picked her head up looking in the mirror as she took a look at herself, "Your so damn stupid Aaliyah, All you do is let people walk all over you." She told herself, her eyes began to fill up with tears.

She couldn't take it anymore poor baby was filled with exhaustion and pain, She was tired. Just like everyone else, "What's the point of life anymore, All I do is wake up and look at myself bro." She said as tears ran down her face.

Aaliyah is so beautiful and she can't even see that, All she sees is a dirty exhausted girl. She wiped her tears as she grabbed her phone sending Notti an invite knowing he probably wasn't gonna come or even if he did is was only gonna be because of Desire.

Aaliyah has a horrible past, getting raped by her own father and being thrown out of the house by her crackhead mother, only to walk the streets at the age of eleven. And she couldn't get a new home till she was thirteen, She was living off of trash food.

That's something she would never go back to, She hated her younger self she never even thought about her, Even when she found a new home it was a reck, It was horrible. The house was full of boys who took her in only to touch on her.

Eventually they did stop, They made her get a job and make her own money, She eventually saved up enough till she was fourteen and ran away, She couldn't buy an apartment so she went back and of course they beat her.

Nobody knows her full background story, Not even Desire. She's always kept it a secret because she didn't wanna remember anything from her past. AT ALL, Desire snapped her fingers in Aaliyah's face.

"Girl are you ok?" She asked her, "Yeah I'm fine." Aaliyah said standing up as she pulled her short black dress down, "The party has begun." Desire said smiling as she walked out the room, The house was full of music.

And boys, Aaliyah hated boys. "I got your invite." She heard an voice from behind her as she walked out of the room, "Notti." Aaliyah said happily, "Desire's bitch ass ain't invite me." Notti said as he mugged her, Aaliyah laughed.

For some reason she would only like Notti's sense of humor, other boys couldn't make her laugh. "You look beautiful." Notti said as the words rolled of his tongue, "You too." Aaliyah said as she laughed, Notti sized her up and down admiring her curves.

"It's loud as hell, tryna go in a room?" Notti asked knowing what he was doing. "Yeah." Aaliyah said shrugging her shoulders, She opened the door as she walked in it, Notti shut it behind the two as Aaliyah sat down onto the bed.

"Soo, Where you from?" Notti asked Aaliyah as he sat onto the bed beside her. "I'm from Chicago." Aaliyah said, "Oh real shit? How the hell you end up all the way in New York?" Notti asked her, "My parents did a lot of moving around." Aaliyah said.

"Oh, Well why youn live with your parents?" Notti asked her, "Personal reasons." Aaliyah said lowly, "Come on tell." Notti said, As he moved closer to her. Aaliyah sighed, Figuring she might as well tell someone.

"My father.. he used to.. touch on me. And my mother was a crackhead." Aaliyah begun with, "My mother she got mad at me because my father told her that I threw myself onto him." Aaliyah said, "And she threw me out the house."

"So, I was only eleven, And I lived on the streets till I was thirteen, At the age of thirteen. A guy in a all black hoodie walked up to me and grabbed me taking me home with him." Aaliyah said, "I thought he was gonna give me a nice warm home with food or at least help me."

"But he took me home to a bunch of niggas and they all raped me, And they were doing that for about two months and stopped, Then they forced me to get a job and I did. I saved up till I was fourteen and I ran away." Aaliyah continued.

"But they told me I was too young to have an apartment. And I didn't wanna be back on the streets so I took my money and ran back home, Of course they beat me almost to death but when I turned fifteen I ran away again, and now I'm sixteen." Aaliyah said.

"Damn, You been through everything." Notti said as Aaliyah scoffed. "I hate my life." Aaliyah said, "I'm sick of waking up every fucking morning and looking at myself over and over." Aaliyah said as tears streamed down her beautiful face.

Notti looked at her as he brought her in for a hug, "Chill lil mama, Youn needa be thinking like that. You way too pretty." Notti told her in her ear, "Fuck your parents and them niggas who took you I'd kill all them right now." Notti said as Aaliyah laughed and wiped her tears.

"Thank you, I needed that." Aaliyah said, 'What I need is some dick' Aaliyah thought, "You good." Notti smiled at her, Notti grabbed her chin as he brushed his lips onto hers, She kissed him back without hesitation.

He broke the kiss as she looked at her and moved her hair out her face, "Nah foreal though, You pretty ass hell." Notti said as he got up and kissed her one more time before walking out the room. Aaliyah smiled as she shook her head.

- Damn. Hey yal😂, Lemme tell yal bro I had to beat this ho ass for playin wit me bro. And I got suspended. Lame ho's. But I'm sorry for not updating yal I've been tired and shiii😂😂

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